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View Full Version : Selling: Health/Stam Food

Jybwee DuPree
02-13-2014, 07:16 PM
EDITED WITH PICTURES, AND REMEMBER WITH THE NEXT PATCH THEY WILL BE REMOVING PIG/RYE FROM THE FOOD VENDOR. When that happens, I'll need to kill pigs en masse.. and the rye i will never touch again :P. It will be replaced with Guinness permanently. But everything will be harder/take more time to get the materials and make.

I can make Ambrosial Raw Pig and Salutary Raw Rye for anyone in BakTi at any time.. for cost of mats!
You can buy the base mats from the food vendor for 5g per stack. It gives 50% return when cooked raw. So to get a full stack of food it takes 2 stacks of Pig Meat/Rye Flour.

So basically -

Ambrosial Raw Pig -
1g per 1k - or i'll cook (for free) any pig meat you send to Hamel
Salutary Raw Rye -
1g per 1k - or i'll cook (for free) any rye flour you send to Hamel

You can send me a message on the forums or catch me in-game on Jybwee, Jybwei, Jibwee, Reiyna, Hamel, Burtha, or Gurty.

Things for free IF in stock, this stuff takes a while to gather the materials for :
Guinness Draught - None in stock atm
Highest stam nourishment i've found
Pina Colada - None in stock atm
Highest health nourishment i've found

This recipe is expensive, costs 3g per 392 units atm -
Max Mana Brew -
Completely max mana nourishment (it is slightly poisonous tho and will cost ya like 2 or so hp and you'll be poisoned for a min.)

Jybwee DuPree
04-20-2014, 01:35 AM
bump, added in some pictures.

Idk if anyone wants to stock up before the patch.

Zakiyya Ajam
04-21-2014, 07:00 PM
I like da pictures

Valdovas Kadangi
04-22-2014, 02:34 AM
The Max Mana Brew should not affect those with good str, con and stamina.
Good to see the provisions in Nave are in good hands. These are very useful for garrison.
When will the next patch be out?

Caldros Valkran
04-25-2014, 08:29 PM
Can I get a stack of Salutary Raw Rye for 10g CODed to me.
Also I need as much Guiness Draught and Pina Colada as possible mailed to me. :P

Caldros Valkran
04-25-2014, 08:29 PM
Can I get a stack of Salutary Raw Rye for 10g CODed to me.
Also I need as much Guiness Draught and Pina Colada as possible mailed to me. :P

Zakiyya Ajam
04-26-2014, 04:17 PM
If any of you like, you can send me pigs to butcher and I'll give you the meat from it.

Jybwee DuPree
04-26-2014, 06:28 PM
Can I get a stack of Salutary Raw Rye for 10g CODed to me.
Also I need as much Guiness Draught and Pina Colada as possible mailed to me. :P
