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View Full Version : Clergy Ceremony within the Cathedral

Varrick ChaosWielder
02-03-2014, 06:27 PM
On a quiet evening in the Cathedral, a small group of clergymen are gathered, with a few other guests watching in silence. They had been convoked just recently, and had no idea what this was about. Most are sitting on the dais and whispering to each other. A hush goes through the crowd as the door at the back of the church, near the altar, opens.

A man comes out, wearing a ceremonial black plate-mail armor. It is a spiked armor, covered in holy glyphs, that reflect's the gentle illumination from candles nearby. His long red cloak floats behind him, embroiled in golden thread and with the holy symbol of the Church stitched in the middle. At his side is a scabbard, embedded with jewels and more glyphs of the Radiant Lord. There is a peace-knot on the handle of the blade and the scabbard.

His footsteps are the only noise in the Church as the Parson of Nave make's his way to the Altar. He slowly remove's his helmet, and his long black hair falls loosely behind him. He slowly lets his gaze float upon everyone, seemingly piercing everyone's soul and judging them for sin. A few moments later, he smiles and lift's his hands in friendship.

"Welcome my beloved chosen. Thank you for coming. I have not had a chance to spend as much time as I would with you all lately. I fear some distant lands have been splitting some of my attention as of late, but my heart, and eyes, have always been here. We are gathered here to not only have a chance to spend some time together, but especially to recognize those within the clergy who have been found to show the piousness, skills and dedication required of them for a higher calling."

The man pauses for a moment, letting his words sink in to all gathered.

"A few people have caught my attention lately. The first one is Brother Azidano Valkran, a truly devout man. I do not expect perfection out of my people, what I expect is humility, and the ability to recognize ones short-coming. No one is immune to sinning, but what differentiates a good Priest from a Friar is that ability to recognize so, and to be able to atone for it. As such, I believe he shows sign's that the Priesthood may indeed be the road for him. As many of you may know, I have assigned him a pilgrimage to Tindrem. He will be doing so as a Deacon, under my care. As such, he shall now be addressed as Reverend Mister Azidano. Please take a moment to congratulate him on such".

The Parson smiles kindly upon Azidano, and beacon's him to stand and face the crowd as loud applause breaks into the room. After a few moments of this, he ushers the crowd to a silence and Azidano to sit.

"With this promotion, I also permit you to take a Novice of your choosing under your care. They are to learn what they can of the clergy. If in the next few week's you believe they have learned enough, they can as well take a vow of faith, once you discuss such things with myself."

"There is another person deserving within you. I speak of Novice Mahira Valkran. She has faithfully completed her training as a Novice of the Church. As such, by the powers vested upon me, she is to be recognized as a Friar. She shall be addressed as Sister Mahira".

The Parson again pauses for silence and smiles. He motions her to rise and face the crowd as loud applause fills the room. After a little bit, he motions her to sit and quiets down the room.

"That is two members of the Valkran family that I recognize on this day. I truly believe there is great things that await this family, and hope that they never forget the blessings of the Radiant Lord on all they achieve".

"Thank you everyone for attending, and please take this moment to fraternise with each other".

With that, the Parson walks away from the Altar and joins the others down bellow in the Church.

Azidano Valkran
02-03-2014, 06:47 PM
Reverend Father Varrick ChaosWielder, Parson of Nave,

I am deeply moved and honoured that you feel I am capable of this greater responsibility. I sincerely pray and hope that I am able to live up to the expectations set before me by Great Men and a Great, Radiant, Lord.

Camarro Valkran
02-04-2014, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to you both, very well deserved.

Caldros Valkran
02-04-2014, 02:15 AM
Congratulations to both of you, on behalf of myself, as Governor-General in Nave, and as your brother in family. You have both deserved such fine honour bestowed upon by Reverend Father Varrick. I was glad to have been witness at this event myself, even if it was from the dais. :P

Azzerhoden Razeri
02-05-2014, 03:57 PM
Congratulations Reverend Azidano and Sister Mahira