View Full Version : Greetings Wessex from Cech

Maxik WildSky
02-03-2014, 03:42 PM
Hi Wessex

I know I should post it sooner but well ... ok no excuses for that :)

Anyway, I’m Maxik (but can call me Max). I live and work in Prague so playing mostly at CET times. What about me, well I’m not that much talkative as most of the guild (as you probably seen on TS) but I like to help in any possible way. But don’t expect too much from me at present time still too new in game :) but I think I learn fast (years of mmo experience).

Well what I want to do in game at moment is finish mine miner/extractor and then probably a weapon or armor smith and later finish the tamer I started with or healer mage (but that will be long way to go) so for now just enjoying the game (sad I didn’t find it sooner :( ).

I think that enough for introduction and if you want to know more I’m usually on TS.

See you in game

Azidano Valkran
02-03-2014, 04:34 PM
I have met you on a number of occasions in the TeamSpeak and have found you to be a pleasant fellow!

On behalf of the Duchy of Wessex, I would like to welcome you to our humble society!