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View Full Version : Blanc Lapin

Blanc Lapin
02-02-2014, 06:22 PM
I am Daniel Benz, my timezone is EST as I live in NE USA. I am 18 years old and have been playing MO for about two months now, though I did play a bit at launch I've only just recently returned to MO. I have a few incomplete crafters but am mostly self reliant. My butcher has all lores except for scale lores and a few zoology lores, my weaponcrafter can craft cuprum greatswords, my bower has 85 asymmetrical bow skill, but 100 blackwood and crepite, 70 dense crepite, my armorcrafter can craft molarium/silk tindremic plate, and my tamer is only really good for horses and lyks/molvas, My MA is SnakeEye and my mage is Blanc. Thanks for reading, Daniel.

Azidano Valkran
02-03-2014, 12:50 PM
Nice of you to join us, Blanc!

I think I have spoken to you once in the teamspeak, looking forward to us getting to know you, and vice-versa.