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View Full Version : Well Met, Wessex

Heraclius Kalofonos
02-02-2014, 07:35 AM
Good day and good morrow, everyone.

I'm Heraclius, but normally go by SKiddles. I've played Mortal Online once before, but dropped it for a few other necessities that called to me. I've returned, along with a few of my friends, to give it another try.

After viewing only a few glimpses at this forum and the clear organization and structure that Wessex has, I think I'll fit in well here.

So, once again, hello.

And well met.


Azidano Valkran
02-02-2014, 11:00 AM
Hi Heraclius, a Clerk shall be with you to review your application shortly.

I look forward to gettimg to know you!