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View Full Version : Greetings

Lorgren Ashford
01-24-2014, 08:07 PM
Hello, everyone. I am Andre Ashford, currently a trial-member of Wessex. I aspire to secure a stable rank within the duchy of Wessex as time draws on and am greatful for being considered as a trial applicant. Mortal Online provides an ideal situation for both serious and practical roleplay, given the freedom which it permits. I am elated to see that there are several communities driven to abide by such standards, Wessex being first and foremost. I hope that I will have the chance to meet several of you soon along with enjoying both Mortal Online and role playing in your company.

Caldros Valkran
01-24-2014, 08:38 PM
Get on Teamspeak, address: voice.duchyofwessex.org

Azidano Valkran
01-24-2014, 10:45 PM