View Full Version : Good evening, Kingdom.

Keitry Marl
01-23-2014, 05:36 AM
Hail, I go by Keitry Marl.
Many thanks for allowing me to join you all in the realm.
I am a person of many trades, versatility is key to survival.
I hope to see all the trades and professions of the men and women of Wessex.
I'm sure I'll learn plenty from you all.

I'm f2p, currently but i am considering subbing. I'm mostly a tamer, but i have spread out alot of my skill points. I'm not sure what exactly i really want to accomplish with my character Keitry, and i am considering Remaking her to be more specific but i'm sure ill meet with you all in-game before i really decide what direction to go.
My character is a female, i am a Male irl.
Hope you all to be well,
-Keitry Marl

Azidano Valkran
01-23-2014, 09:43 AM
Welcome welcome welcome!

I look forward to meeting you in-game and/or on TS.

Caldros Valkran
01-23-2014, 02:40 PM
Get on Teamspeak as soon as you can to get permissions there, and to be able to get Guilded in MO.