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Worag McKay
01-19-2014, 06:21 PM

Worag here, a fresh recruit.

I thought id share my Mortal Online story with you.

I found Mortal Online by chance and it piqued my interest, after reading up on it a bit i found the general opinion to be that a fighter is what you want to start with.

Thus Worag the fighter was born.
He spent his time in Tindrem slaying the springboks in town, gathering their dead bodies and selling them for gold. After a while it became clear to Worag that the butcher's in town made quite a great deal of gold from processing these bodies.

Then Forag the butcher was born.
Forag helped Worag out by turning his slain foes into a small river of gold using his butchers knife. And with the gold flowing in quite abundantly, the two decided to obtain some better gear for themselves. But finding someone that would turn the gold into armor and weapons was no easy feat, and a rather costly one.
Forag also came to the realization that alot of the materials he obtained from the slain foes of Worag could be made into armor and weapons.

This was when Borag the crafter was born.
Borag got quite busy right away seeing how Worag and Forag had already been amassing quite a stash of materials and gold. And soon Borag could turn dead deer into both armor and weapons.

The three got weary of spending time in Tindrem amongst all the thieves, robbers and murderers. And by chance when Borag was conducting some business with a fellow, he heard rumors about the place he was from. Vadda valley, a fairly calm and peaceful place, filled with prey for Worag to kill and a nice place for both Forag and Borag to process the corpses.

Now they have moved to Bakti and this is where the story is at.
Personally i enjoy Killing, looting, pillaging as much as the next viking.
And standing around just having a laugh while doing my butchering / crafting.
Im looking forward to meeting you all in game.