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View Full Version : Hello, Wessex!

Donkus Thunderblood
01-15-2014, 11:12 PM
So I'm here in the process of fully joining the guild, I guess I should write an introduction post? lol

Anyways, hello Wessex. I'm Vss, which is my most preferred universal nickname. I'm joining WSX to play Mortal Online with you guys under the character names of Donkus (main) and Vinheim (fresh armorsmith alt), and some of you even met me ingame (like Azidano, who has said he'll ask his superiors about me joining but has seemingly done nothing about it and has been mostly ignoring me since D:< ).

I'm a F2P mounted archer in MO, and I will most likely stay F2P forever. You can expect me to not play any P2P games, unless I can pirate them, cuz I'm one poor motherfBLARGer. Nah, I'm kidding, but neither me or my parents have a proper PayPal card or whatever, or any other means of buying stuff other than on spot, and all of us are too lazy to do anything about it so... Yeah.
Since I'm F2P and relatively new to the game (less than a month, I think) don't expect wonders, but I have a strong power of will which helped a naked me defend against a lykiator riding player-killer more than once. talk about psyche I'm also decently geared right now, and my PvE skills are alright (I can parry a skeleton XD), while I have little experience with PvP. I also have some degree of strategic skills and stuff, and I think I can learn quickly.
I can role-play/act pretty good, and I think it's fun usually. Sometimes I continue my role in real life tho :( RPGS FTW!
I like to think that I'm at least above average in most games, so if ya need help with anything, sup.

About the real-life me, I'm a fresh 15yo (since Jan 7) from Croatia (GMT +1), I don't do a lot of stuff other than gaming, but I have school afternoon so I'll most likely be online only at 10am-12am and 8pm-12am. Except on weekends and holidays, but then I'll probably go outside and stuff. So yeah, that's my free schedule but it's not consistent either.
Mic is broken, so I won't be on TS yet. I'll probably get a new one pretty soon, but I don't like talking English if it's not really necessary so even if I get it, don't expect me to talk a lot. I do like typing in English (apparently), so prepare to have your guild chat floodeeeed!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH

I'm not a stranger to forum business either, as I've frequently visited some other forum (now mostly defunct) as one of the more elite members, so I'm alright with bbCode and other forum stuff too.

Why did I choose Wessex over some other guild? Well, the few people I met seem pretty nice, and being here seems pretty fun. However, I didn't play a lot of sandbox multiplayers before, and in the few ones I did I was either the owner of the guild or knew the owner in real life. Also advertising meself, these guilds were usually among the most powerful of the server!!! (all thanks to me lol)

Sorry if I bothered you with this wall of text, but I thought you might want to know stuff about me. Hope you're as cool as you seem!

tl;dr - Sup guys, I'm awesome (lying), I wanna join your guild :D

Caldros Valkran
01-16-2014, 12:15 AM
Hey Vss,

You should have been contacted by a Clerk about joining or about issues pertaining to your application. Please check your Private Messages and see. Ensure that your application is in order, and you will be accepted.

Just be aware that your current name would have to change. If you have any questions come on TS.

Donkus Thunderblood
01-16-2014, 11:13 AM
Well, thanks for the tip, but.

I've been messaged by a clerk (Ternix Valerius, more specifically) about signing the Oath of Fealty incorrectly (wrote my username instead of "I agree"), but after fixing it (a few days ago) nothing changed.
I hope that I didn't do anything wrong.

The name changing isn't a big problem.

Caldros Valkran
01-16-2014, 02:11 PM
If Ternix does not answer you and finish the application by this afternoon I will take over the application.