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View Full Version : Greetings and salutations!

Anour Veryman
01-15-2014, 03:01 PM
Hello everyone,

While not my first introduction thread, certainly this confusion of "what to say" never wear off.
Err... I guess, I have started playing 3 days ago and as all the games I play I always play a pet class/mage in which case, I chose Taming/Magic as the primary skills. I am still in Tindrem though I have traveled a bit to the south and east a couple of times but not too far (primarily to get horses, donkeys and try Urials).

So far I am F2P as I test the waters and have maxed my abilities. Also trying to get used to the fact that there are no quests and most of the time I find myself standing in Tindrem doing nothing as I don't know what I am supposed to do next.

Usually I don't really like voice chat, since I doubt people will "prefer" to hear my accent and me butchering the English language so I tend to stick to typing; though I can try to hop in if there is a need.

Hope that helps and sorry for the long introduction.