View Full Version : Hello, mortal online

Imorgil Wulflocke
01-14-2014, 06:11 PM
So I recently got back Into mortal after my computer got replaced, been back for about a week, maybe 2. I'm a Mage ingame and always play a Mage in every game that allows it, I just love the effects from spells/power/lore of mages.
I am pretty decent at it and only trouble is gettinvgood reagents otherwise I love it. I hate using mics ingame as Is distracts me from the whole immersion thing hearing all these guys talking in the background about their life so I might not be in TS that much but will get on when needed.
I prefer just being told what to do, I don't care much for talking, just tell me what to do and ill do it.
I hope to have fun with all you guys ingame!

Azzerhoden Razeri
01-14-2014, 06:42 PM
Greetings Sethwilliam, and Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex,

I should have a chance to take care of your permissions shortly. I also usually default to a mage, as my signature will attest.

Once again, welcome aboard.

Caldros Valkran
01-14-2014, 10:19 PM
You'll have to be on ts for that last bit than. :P

Kreager Stonewall
01-14-2014, 11:50 PM
Welcome to the community seth, feel free to browse the MO section for mages guide, there is a solid guide that shows two mage options.