View Full Version : I may be Cheetah Girl...

Xoa Totec
01-12-2014, 07:45 PM
...since that's what three different people (or were they?) have called me in Tindrem as of late. It's Xoa, but I remember not whether that was my given name or the one assigned to me by my former taskmaster, may he rest in pieces.

My newfound freedom had brought me to Tindrem, and I enjoyed my liberation immensely, but I have found that freedom to do anything means little when everything I do amounts to nothing. Maybe I'm just damaged by this less than stellar past of mine, but there is a certain fulfillment - a deep down satisfaction - knowing that my actions contribute to something greater than my own particular needs and wants.

So, when a small procession of Duchy of Wessex soldiers cantered into town and sought able-bodied members for their ranks, I was curious. When visiting the pages they sent me to, I grew excited, as this seemed an incredible opportunity. It was the chance to be a part of a community, a borough, a kingdom! Not just be a part of it, but to grow with it as I help it grow. I could not pass that up.

My name is Xoa, and I look forward to joining your people and realm.

- X

Azzerhoden Razeri
01-13-2014, 05:45 AM
Greetings Xoa, and welcome to the Duchy of Wessex.