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View Full Version : inquiry reguarding House Bill 3B: Public Relation and Public Image policy

Kreager Stonewall
01-10-2014, 08:03 AM
I was wondering if This was still in effect, as it was passed by the house of lords on February 2nd, 2009. If not when was this Overturned? Why is this not present and enforced within our own laws?

To all these tidings come, Greetings!

On February the 2nd, the House of Lords in their Wisdom convened to pass House Bill 3B: Public Relation and Public Image Policy.

Lords Temporal Voting Aye: Duke Thor of Kirdain, Baroness Noraya of Waleron, Baron Nocturne of Yew

Lords Temporal Voting Nay: Baron Surly of Urth, Duke Brando of Aquiliea,

Lords Ecclesiastical Voting Aye: Bishop Baenor, Bishop Valens of Kirdain

Lords Ecclesiastical Voting Nay:

On February the 2nd, Manus, by the grace of Auros, king of Hyperion, duke of Wessex, count of Elba, recognized the Wisdom of the Lords and so We Enact this Law.

Quote Originally Posted by Text of Bill
These terms are all enforced "in the spirit of" the rules left to the interpretation and application of the moderator.

1. No excessive spamming.
2. No harassment of other members which includes towards motivations of sexism, racism or religious intolerance. This should include the harassment and intolerance of roleplaying, or deliberately disrupting roleplay events.
3. No Porn, and No Sexually Explicit images or discussion of any kind. We all love both of these things, but that's not what this community is here for.
4. No Warez, or links to malicious or illegal software, images, or websites.
5. No whining about moderators or moderation in public posts or threads; Complaints should be directed to the moderator in PMs first and then a fellow moderator should the dispute remain unresolved.
6. Offended persons will present their complaint to the position deemed responsible for overlooking such matters or Royal Sheriff to follow the proceedings as such stated in the Carta Solis.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in limited forum access on the Hyperion forums and, in extreme cases, exile from the Kingdom at the discretion of King Manus or by your local Magnate. Violations to these rules are handled by Infraction, which will result in bans at certain intervals. Infraction points expire after 3 months. Minor violations of these rules will gain users one infraction point, moderate violations will gain users four infraction points, and major violations will gain users ten infraction points. Executors, your local Magnates, and King Manus are all at their discretion to provide additional penalties to these rules.

Users will be suspended for a period of days equal to the amount of active infraction points they've achieved, starting at three. Therefore, a user with no infraction points who receives a moderate infraction (four points) will be suspended from the forums for a period of four days, while if this user sustains a minor infraction (one point) no other action will be taken than the accumulation of a single point on his record for the next three months. A user who has two active infraction points and receives a minor infraction (one point) will be suspended for three days.
# The following will be adopted as policy by Sheriffs, but not by Executors:

1. While members are free to discuss nation and forum policy (otherwise known as in-game politics) at will, Sheriffs are not and may not engage in game related political debates or intervene with their own opinions in discussions about policy.
2. No Sheriff may engage in public argument with any other Hyperion member for any reason, nor may any Sheriff publicly insult or make desparaging comments about any Hyperion member under any circumstances.

# The following will be adopted as policy by Magnates, Executors, and Rex:

1. Magnates may exercise any power of Rex or an Executor only when dealing with members of their own County, but must adhere to the guidelines of Sheriffs when dealing with members of other Counties. Magnates are exempt from any restrictions to Sheriffs limiting the expression of personal opinion in any and all circumstances.

# The Infraction system will be set up as follows:

1. Each type of rule infraction will come in three forms to allow a Minor, Moderate, and Major infraction of such rule.
2. Rex, Executors, and Magnates will all be given the power to create and give out Custom Infractions, and to enter arbitrary point values for all infractions. This is intended to allow Magnates to enforce local laws which overlap in National jurisdiction, and may not be used by Magnates except when dealing with members of their own County.
3. Suspension levels will exist for every infraction point value starting at three points, to suspend users for an amount of days equivalent to their infraction points. Once achieving 30 active infraction points, users will be permanently banned, at which point the Lord Constable or Manus Rex are the only users which may circumvent the ban.
4. Rex and his Executors will have the authority to reverse infractions

Original Source:

Altus Whyte
01-10-2014, 05:04 PM
Ah, the DBC Sausage-bill!

It is implemented through the second article of Offenses Punishable by Fine and Public Humiliation, Common Law.

2. Let no one molest or harass his fellow subject. (as defined by House Bill 3B)As for the other stuff like the infraction points, I believe that was written for the Hyperion forums.

Kreager Stonewall
01-10-2014, 07:15 PM
I hope we can keep this posted, as the common law references this bill, so that all members may see the full extent of the laws, not just the bulliten.