View Full Version : Introduction

Renvald Harcourt
01-06-2014, 06:39 PM
Hello everyone, glad to be a new member of the Duchy of Wessex, just here to write a little about myself and my history in Mortal Online.

Before I started Mortal Online in mid-2011, I used to play the average MMO's, World of Warcraft, RIFT, Age of Conan, but one day I was browsing youtube and somehow I stumbled upon a PvP video of Mortal Online, although I do not remember which, it's gameplay got me intrigued on this game, so there I was creating accounting, subbing and creating my first character in Mortal, and by far, the game was so much fun, so many new things to take in, learn and do. Eventually, due to my gaming history of being a PvPer, I found out that anyone could be killed anywhere, and all their loot could be stolen. And so I set out, training myself in PvP and murdering practically everyone I saw, not giving two cents about those I hurt.

I carried on with this solo-playstyle for almost two years until Awakening expansion was released, with a whole lot of new content, AI revamped and many new secrets and things to do, I decided to try and join a guild and try do everything the game has to offer, however, this once again never happened and I ended up going back to my old ways of being an active RPKer. Here I am now, 2014 and my mindset has changed a lot, not sure why I had this sudden urge to do good, but I've started reading into the lore and roleplay of the game, reading it's history and past conflicts, myths and events, and it had me thinking on how much stuff I've missed out on. I want to be able to do the deep dungeons, underwater caves and explore the most furthest lands in Nave, I want to find the secrets, the creatures and monsters that terrorize Nave and defeat them, acquiring their hoard of loot. I want to experience Mortal Online, not just be a murderer.

Now, onto myself, I'm 18 years old, currently studying networking at my college which is a 2 year course, over the years I've become much more of a casual player, not able to put into a lot of time as I used to, hopefully this won't be a problem. I currently live in the United Kingdom and play in the GMT+0 timezone. Thank you for reading through this post and I look forward to play alongside you all in the future, best of luck.

-Renvald Harcourt.

Azidano Valkran
01-06-2014, 07:44 PM
Another Brit!

Glad to have you aboard, sir!

I look forward to getting to know you on Teamspeak!

01-07-2014, 04:32 PM
Welcome :)!

New blood is always welcome.

Casilda Tametomo
01-07-2014, 11:04 PM
What amazing changes this game sometimes fosters!

Would I remember your character(s) from the distant past of 2011, perhaps by name or affiliation?