View Full Version : Coming back to Mortal

Zakiyya Ajam
01-06-2014, 05:48 AM
Hello everyone.

Wow, I had forgotten I even applied here, it's been that long. :(

I have been playing Mortal for the last few days and would like to join back up again. I left due to a lot of life events that are in my past now. I know this is a hard game to get into, so I rolled a new character (Zakiyya) and shelved my last character (Kalin) in hopes of seeing the game from a fresh set of eyes.

I have been thirsting for a friendly guild, and would hope to get some RP in. If you would have me back, I'd be honored to join.

Thank you,


Azidano Valkran
01-06-2014, 09:28 AM
Real life always gets in the way of our gamibg time (or is it the other way round...?)

Glad to see your renewed interest in joining the Duchy! The best place to get orientated is in our Teamspeak Server (voice.duchyofwessex.org) and saying hello over there.

Do you remember if your application got accepted?

Zakiyya Ajam
01-06-2014, 06:40 PM
I believe it did, as I was in the guild in game for a while.

I'll get on the TS server but I don't have a mic anymore. Not sure what happened to it. ... Unless I can turn my Xbox controller into one... Hum.

Also, if it's possible, I'd like to change my username. Trying to remember this name on my log-in is hard and annoying.

Casilda Tametomo
01-07-2014, 10:36 PM
Very nice Arabic name, Zakiyya.