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View Full Version : Letter of Greeting and Fealty

Christoph deWarenne
12-29-2013, 02:27 AM
To the Officer or Clerk in attendance of His Grace, Manus Dei, Duke of Wessex.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I humbly present myself to His Grace's service in the hopes of a most honored acceptance into the Duchy of Wessex. It is with esteemed gratitude that I be allowed to apply for service to such a renowned state and peerage as is presented by the court and society of the Duchy.

As a student of the arts of war and decorum, I am prepared to offer myself to His Grace's military to begin what I hope to be a long journey in bringing glory to Wessex, or to die in the service of the same. I will enter at any station as is deemed fit.

I look forward to presenting myself in person to a representative of the Duchy of Wessex in due course. In the mean time offer my wishes of a very happy and auspicious holiday season.

Very Respectfully I Remain,
Christoph de Warenne

Caldros Valkran
12-29-2013, 03:58 AM
Greetings, future subject of Wessex.

I will be looking at your application momentarily. If you could however, please come on the Teamspeak 3 server so that we can talk in person, to speed up the process. The server address is voice.duchyofwessex.org. Please use your forum name as is seen here as your nickname when you connect.

Christoph deWarenne
12-29-2013, 04:49 AM
Much appreciated for the assistance. I am currently playing Darkfall, and installing Mortal Online as we speak. I look forward to getting involved.