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View Full Version : hey there

Baldrick Cunning
11-27-2013, 12:03 PM
let me introduce myself
i am johan from the Netherlands, i am 39 so probably not one of the youngest around here
i been playing games as far as i can remember (my first computer was a sinclair zx spectrum so yes that has been a while back)

i just joined a few days back and didn't come to filling anything out here

so far i have a tamer char and i have started a gatherer as well
i got a 3rd slot open but not sure on what to put there

hopefully i will get familliar with all your voices soon it's still confusing to point the names to the people i talk to

well that's it for now if you got any questions don't hesitate to ask and ofcourse in game if i got the time i love to help out if i can
see you all in TS


Azidano Valkran
11-27-2013, 01:48 PM
Welcome to the Duchy! I know we've spoken a few times on TS. A Clerk will help you get integrated on the forums shortly, if they haven't already.