View Full Version : Greetings

Morgraine Baratheon
11-26-2013, 09:12 PM
I am Morgraine Beratheon! New to MO but not new to the MMO scene. I have played different titles in my days (showing my real age) ranging from the first MMO .. NWN on AOL to UO,the realms, EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, Rift, WOW, Guild Wars, Darkfall now this.

I have always been engaged in RP guilds and PVP guilds. I think it adds a certain spice to the game. I enjoy big time wars with massive battles whether I live or die.

I am some what active on the MO forums and on WSX TS. Ok enough about me now.

"Die you feeble skeletons! I eat skeletons for breakfast! and they taste crunchy in milk too!"

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-26-2013, 09:15 PM
Greetings Morgraine,

Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex.