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View Full Version : Vow of Faith - Azidano Valkran

Azidano Valkran
11-22-2013, 06:43 PM
In the Name of Soldeus,
Most Glorious
Most Radiant,

I, Azidano Valkran, choose of my own free will to give the following Vow.

I swear to give my Inner Spark and all of its derivatives to the Radiant and Glorious Lord, Soldeus. I choose to follow the way of Lucius, who taught humanity what they knew not, who founded our Holy Mother Church. I swear to keep my loins chaste of misdeeds.

All that are in my possession I give freely to Soldeus and His Cause.

I choose to obey the commands of Soldeus, to keep to my Holy Obligations toward myself, to my fellow siblings in creed, and, most of all, to Soldeus Himself.

I wash away the Sin and Doubt in service to the Voice of Soldeus, the Church of Soldeus, and the Parson of Soldeus within the realm of Nave. I dedicate myself to Good Works until there is no more heresy in the world, and religion is for Soldeus.

Azidano Valkran

Varrick ChaosWielder
11-24-2013, 05:44 PM
As Parson of Nave, I have heard and accept your vow of faith. I have as well reviewed your friar examination and find that it shows the commitment and knowledge needed for a life of faith. I hereby grant you the title of Friar, with the address of Brother Azidano, and welcome you to the loving embrace of the Church of Soldeus. Let us pray Brother Azidano, for today is a glorious day indeed! Your first responsibility shall be the establishment of a Church near the jungles of Bhakti. Use our funds wisely Brother Azidano, just as Soldeus will wisely guide you towards success.