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Jybwee DuPree
11-07-2013, 01:50 PM
Hiya, Jyb here.

Played back during beta but quit at release. Came back for f2p but quit again shortly after because of real life things. I'm back again (been playing about 2 months) and in total only have about 3 months total subbed. The only guild I've ever been in was Plebeian Hand, which i enjoyed, but they fell apart not too long after i joined. I tend to choose the peaceful life (or PvE), but will not run from a fight.

Anyway, since i've come back this last time i've been mostly solo. I tried for a few guilds claiming PvE or Anti-RPK at least. Every one was just PvP posturing over teamspeak and smacktalking, none seemed to fit me. The Duchy of Wessex seems like a guild that would fit me in many ways, but you all may know better than me :P.

I've read the 'practical rp' post and alot of other information about the guild. I'm very interested in learning more about how the guild really works :). The only real problem i'm having atm is finding a last name. I've been using Jybwee since 2004, never had a last name and can't seem to find one that fits.

Ok, i've talked for too long. I hope to see you all in-game and learn more about your guilds style.

Jybwee DuPree
11-07-2013, 01:52 PM
Hmm, didn't see an edit button. But -

My in-game names are Gurty, Hamel, Horriss, and Reiyna if you see me in the game :)

Azidano Valkran
11-07-2013, 02:11 PM
Hi Jybwee, Tern is our Clerk, ge shall be reviewing your application and let you know the proceedures.

The most important part of PRACTICAL Roleplay as oppose to classical roleplay is that everybody cannot be the Dovahkiin. Everybody has their role in this feudal-themed society.

I hope to meet you in Teamspeak and get to know you better!
