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View Full Version : Zenos here! Brief introduction enclosed.

Zenos Windbane
11-06-2013, 06:54 AM
Hello guys! I know I've met some of you already on TS, but I figured I'd say hello on the forums as well finally. I'm excited to be accepted as part of Wessex! I'm a very generous individual whom enjoys helping and going on adventures with other players. I'm very laid-back, and enjoy handing out free stuff. I'll run up to you randomly with free food, money, gear, weaps, pets, etc. If I don't want it, or you need it, most times I'll just give it to you. I'm still getting used to MO, but I'm going to be exploring the map, and working on my taming / cooking / general knowledge of the game. Once I'm a little more knowledgable on the game, I would be interested in learning some PvP mechanics and skills, but right now I'm just enjoying overall game content and mechanics.

I look forward to playing with you all, and getting to know you :)

-Zenos Windbane (Zeynos in MO)

Azidano Valkran
11-06-2013, 07:09 AM
Hey Zenos, your name definately rings a bell.

Glad you could formally join our community on the forums! I believe Tern Osterwind, our Clerk, will be contacting you shortly, if he hasn't already with some joiming standards.

Looking forward to seeing you in-game.