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View Full Version : Current Positions of the Clergy

Varrick ChaosWielder
10-29-2013, 11:17 PM
Parson of Nave: Reverend Father Varrick ChaosWielder
Church near Bahkti: Deacon Azidano
Church near Bahkti: Sister Mahira

There is one more position open for a trainee within the church at this time. You can enter as a Novice at any time, and be trained fully. This is the preferred route. Eventually you can get promoted to Friar on successfully passing the Friar examination. If you have the required social class (Freemen or above) you may also attempt immediately the Friar Examination to enter as a Friar.

You do not need to take your Vow of Faith until you are a friar, albeit you are free to take it earlier if you so choose. The Vow of Faith should not be taken lightly, as it is permanent. You forgo all personal belongings, titles and rights. You then change your social class to Clergy, and gain the form of address of your current rank. For example "Novice FIRSTNAME". You still must pay taxes and all other obligations until you take your Vow of Faith. Once you do, then you are exempt from taxes and other duties, as your sworn to the Church.

The rank of Novice is your chance to get to know the Church, and the Church to know you, to see if its a good fit. Once a Vow of Faith is taken, that is when its no longer a "test period", but a permanent choice.

As Trainee's get promoted to higher ranks and duties, more trainee positions may open up with time (And the head of the Church's approval).

Once you complete your training and are a Friar, multiple route's open up for you. These are just some of the positions I am trying to fill:
- Church Chaplain: Your duty is to work with the local garrison, as wish we advise you to be an active part of it, and to also ensure the safety of all Church Assets. (That includes Clergy Members).
- Church Librarian: Your duties is to collect, catalog and research all knowledge within the game. You will also be ensuring newer recruits have help with starting books, provide expertise on where to acquire other more obscure books, as well as ensuring the purity of faith through the books.
- Deacon: Your duties would be very general and attached to a specific church building, where you can perform most of the duties of a Priest (Which you will be in training for this position eventually). You are expected to basically be a "Parish Priest" or "Pastor" type.
- Friars: We need lots of these. Some will be crafters, gatherers, fighters and other general type position. Basically the "support" portion of the Church. As it is our responsibility to protect's our lands inner-spark, there is a lot that is needed. Be it crafting gear to new members, gathering and building a new church building, gathering gold so we can provide books to new members, protecting our holdings, spreading the good word of the Radiant Lord to all, and many others.