View Full Version : Hello

10-29-2013, 11:37 AM

I am new in the game, and i see in the oficial forums, wsx is a good guild for RP.

If is posible i join with wsx.

Now i am living at Tindrem, where are you?


Caldros Valkran
10-29-2013, 01:49 PM

It's good to see yet another new member of the Mortal Online world interested in joining Wessex. Wessex is indeed a great RP Guild, you could tell by just reading around on the forums. It is possible to join Wessex, to do so simply go into your profile and ensure that you have selected the 'Yes' box next to the question 'Would you like to apply to the Duchy of Wessex at this time?' and fill out the questions below.

We are currently living in Bakti, if you need help getting there there are a number of members willing to help you move from Tindrem to Bakti, just simply get on our Teamspeak 3 server and ask. It's important, to fully experience Wessex, to be involved on the forums and on Teamspeak.

Hope to see more of you!

Azidano Valkran
10-29-2013, 01:51 PM
Welcome to the Duchy! I hope to see you in-game or in TeamSpeak soon. Looking forward to getting to know you.