View Full Version : hello!( i would like to join)

Death Reaper
10-28-2013, 11:28 AM
IGN: DeathAwait

I have never join a guild on here yet, And this guild seems to be active and friendly

So i wanna apply. I mainly hang out in Bakti really the only place ive been since the starter
city, Thanks

Ternix Valerius
10-28-2013, 01:43 PM

Review your profile and see that you have selected "no" on the question "Would you like to apply to the Duchy of Wessex at this time?" If you change this to "yes" and fill in the other questions there, i dont see any problems in having you join ;)

If you need more help in doing so, feel free to PM me and I'll help you further.

Looking forward to meeting you!