View Full Version : Introduction

BigEL Emonater
10-06-2013, 02:33 PM
Hello my in-game name is BigEL Emonater I have just recently joined looking forward to assisting the guild, I would like to be a thief/ archer if possible in game and I am also having trouble finding the guild base, as I have had insufficient directions ;) from my step-mother Mahira Corn.

Ternix Valerius
10-06-2013, 03:08 PM

We currently work out of bakti, you can use this MAP (http://www.mortalonlinemap.info/) to find it! (its directly below the lake in the middle) Also, we might be able to come pick you up if you are in one of the bigger cities.

I look forward to seeing you in-game!

BigEL Emonater
10-06-2013, 03:49 PM
Sadly im not in a major city i was told to go east from the starting town until i got the the river and then go south but im lost so ill try to see if i can find myself on the map

Sir Levald Aurelius
10-06-2013, 08:18 PM
If you've already traveled east for a bit try traveling south or south east for awhile, there's a large plain to either side of the lake so if your in the mountains your likely too far north still. There is a river flowing south to the lake from Fabernum and another off the south end of the lake passing Bakti so the map is nearly cut in 2 by those rivers.