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View Full Version : Good morrow, noble Wessex. Pray tell- how fare thee on this day of providence?

Thoss Fault-Hammer
10-04-2013, 07:04 PM
So, my ye olde speach is a bit rusty, but I think I'll get the hang of it eventually... 'til then, I'll just write in this gothic font as to create some sort of literary illusion...

I'd like to introduce myself:

My name is Geordie and my occupation is opera singer / music teacher (if the bard skill ever becomes a thing in Mortal online, I'll be the very first!). I'm 30 years old, married, and currently live in Houston, Texas.

I look forward to contributing to this truly awesome guild. Truth be told, I've never been a part of a large guild with such a complex structure, but I'm greatly intrigued by your ranking system and noble aspirations (especially considering the brutal nature of Mortal Online). In short, I'm ready to dive in!

My current (and only) toon is Thoss. I'm looking to change my name in accordance with DoW rules to Thoss Fault-hammer, mining / weaponcrafting being my in game occupation of choice. But until I figure that out, my in game name will be just Thoss. I'm very new to this game as I've only started a week ago and just yesterday bought my subscription, but I'm a quick learner and I think I've already got a hang of the basics (looking to get the hell out of Tindrem atm...).

Special thanks to Grudge Bringer for inviting me here through the MO forums.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all and contributing to the most grand and honorable Duchy of Wessex.

Thoss Fault-hammer

Azzerhoden Razeri
10-04-2013, 07:15 PM
Greetings Thoss Faulthammer.

Welcome to the Duchy. We will get your application processed shortly (if it has not already been done). You do not need to change your in game character name (but we welcome it if you can). We can adjust your name in our forums easily.


Azidano Valkran
10-04-2013, 07:49 PM
Welcome, Thoss! I hope to meet you and get to know you on teamspeak! If you need any help, I'm sure we'd be all willing to help out.

Tje structure is indeed complex, but it only adfs to the guild's depth.

I thank Soldeus, Most Radiant, for Guiding you to the Duchy.