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View Full Version : Grant of Arms for Sir Wooster Redwood, Baronet

Sir Levald Aurelius
09-06-2013, 09:20 PM
TO ALL AND SINGULAR to whom these presents shall come, I, Levald Aurelius, Herald Emcee, of the College of Arms, of the Duchy of Wessex send greetings.

WHEREAS Wooster Redwood has shown Wisdom, Diligence and Dedication, he has this while been created a nobleman of the realm and elevated to the rank of Baronet. Subsequently, he was desirous of having Letters Patent of Armorial Ensigns granted and appointed unto him and duly recorded in His Grace's College of Arms, and accordingly did rightly request the favor of His Grace’s Warrant for our granting and assigning such Arms.

AND FOREASMUCH as His Grace, Duke Manus did by Warrant under his hand and Seal authorize and direct me to grant and assign such Arms and in the same Patent such Device and Badge accordingly, Know Ye therefore that I in pursuance of His Grace's Warrant and by virtue of the Letters Patent granted by The Duke's Most Excellent Grace do by these Presents grant and assign unto the said Wooster Redwood, Baronet of Wessex the Arms following,


THAT IS TO SAY: Sable, a Chevron Gules charged with an Ironwood Tree¹ Or; supported by Beavers² statant erect³ wielding Spades, in their Business⁴, Or-- said supporters being as is traditional confined to the use of the noble Baronet during his period of entitlement-- the whole of which comprises the Heraldic Achievement.

The Supporters are shown standing on a ribbon, Or, on which is subscribed the Baronet's personal motto "Stilus⁵ ante Causa" ("Style before Purpose").

THESE MAY BE BORNE and used forever hereafter by the said Wooster Redwood and except as noted by his Descendants with their due and proper differences according to the Laws of Arms. In witness whereof I have to these Presents subscribed my name, by the Grace of Our Radiant Heavenly Lord and His Grace, the Duke of Wessex.


Levald Aurelius
Herald Emcee
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex

The Ironwood Tree is rendered in form and stature like a mighty Oak.
Beaver, in Fr. and Latin, is called "Castor".
Statant Erect, like a Bear, rather than Rampant, like a Lion.
"In their Business" follows the example of a Pelican "in Her Piety", and can be defended upon the grounds that for the Beaver, to sit upright propped on his tail in front of a tree is his working posture, and not a fighting pose.
Stilus is cant for "Pen", also.