View Full Version : Buying Rock
Dismas Eleos
09-03-2013, 09:05 PM
For those of you that wish to mine for your personal income (encouraged based on necessity for the guild), below is a price list of what I will personally be offering per 10,000 stack. All rock purchased is going to the guild stocks, and will be utilized in garrison armor and weapons. These prices are probably lower than if you found a buyer outside of the guild, and if you wish to sell out of guild that is you're option. But know rock purchased by us will be utilized to defend ourselves, not likely used against us.
Granum- 5g
Saburra- 5g
Calx- 5g
Gabore- 6g
So you have an idea of what goes into extraction, about 100 stacks of Granum and 10 stacks of Calx go into a stack of steel. Yes, we NEED Calx, too.
Tungsteel requires hundreds of stacks of Granum.
A reminder: Crafting for the guild doesn't take long at all. All the time is put into mining. If you'd like to put in time for the guild, we need miners!
Azidano Valkran
09-04-2013, 12:30 PM
Why is the price of Granum so low? I have traded closer to 5g per stack in Tindrem/Fabernum
EDIT: In fact, why is the price of everything so low?
Otto Osterwind
09-04-2013, 04:34 PM
Why is the price of Granum so low? I have traded closer to 5g per stack in Tindrem/Fabernum
EDIT: In fact, why is the price of everything so low?
It keeps the price of equipment lower which promotes wealth exchange within the guild. It has worked well so far, you can get fully equipped quickly and a bit cheaper. New players can maintain a bit of wealth early on for books and older players can continue a steady climb even with significant loss. I've yet to figure a better way.
(There's also an abundance of granum within a few meters of Bak-Ti)
Dismas Eleos
09-04-2013, 04:53 PM
Yes, Sir Otto is right. And after serfs have proven themselves within the Duchy, the guild will begin sponsoring your gear and even books needed. You will not only be getting paid for granum, but also reap effects down stream of extraction in the form of equipment.
In the history of Wessex, granum has been known to be manditory by form of taxes.
Azidano Valkran
09-04-2013, 05:26 PM
In another, similar, thread Iseult suggested weekly donations of granum.
Would it be best to outright donate some of my granum or sell the granum for the prices mentioned above?
I may migrate to Bak-ti if there is an abundance of the ore there.
Also, out of interest, what kind of gear do we get rewarded with? I only ask as I can only wear 10 Armour Points before I succumb to movement penalties.
Iseult Eleos
09-04-2013, 06:02 PM
Donations of granum are highly encouraged. As Dismas mentioned taxes in theform of either gold or granum used to be a requirement, and in the lack of thisit is up to the members to take the burden upon themselves. Yet we understand that not everyone has time to play as often as others and therefore might needto use their mining time as a form of income. So that's why this option ofselling it to us is also a good option, even if the prices are lower than theywould be elsewhere, supporting the guild comes with many benefits.
Dismas is a skilled armorsmith and weaponsmith and can usually work withinthe weight parameters people have, so I'm sure he could figure out armor that would work for you. But I don't know the specifics of armor types and weights, he can elaborate on that.
Dismas Eleos
09-05-2013, 04:35 AM
If you wish to sell rock to me, mail it COD (coin on delivery) to Dlsmas (DLSMAS) at the prices above. This ensures you get payment even if we have conflicting play-times.
(Bakti only)
Dismas Eleos
09-06-2013, 03:27 PM
Azidano, I need to get with you in teamspeak. My miner is in the north right now helping Kora get Tephra. I had forgotten. We can set something up. I should be on early evening tnight for the rest of the night. EST
Azidano Valkran
09-06-2013, 03:40 PM
Azidano, I need to get with you in teamspeak. My miner is in the north right now helping Kora get Tephra. I had forgotten. We can set something up. I should be on early evening tnight for the rest of the night. EST
Sure thing, I shall continue mining in the meantime.
Kavu Calmelat
09-06-2013, 09:38 PM
If you want you can just do what Dread and I do and donate gear and straight up cold hard cash. Koras "le Banque" just gobbles that stuff up.
Casilda Tametomo
09-09-2013, 02:38 AM
I may migrate to Bak-ti if there is an abundance of the ore there.There isn't a lot of granum closest to Bak-ti, but there is plenty in Moh'ki and at about that radius from Bak-ti in a few directions. You probably wouldn't regret the move.
Dismas Eleos
09-24-2013, 03:01 PM
I would like to announce that as of September 25th, all granum that was sent to me has been paid for. For those of you that sent me COD granum, please check your mailboxes. Sorry for the wait. Thank you very much for your business. For those of you that sent me non COD granum, thank you very much for your donation.
Azidano Valkran
09-24-2013, 04:07 PM
Yay! Back to the factory!
Dismas Eleos
10-21-2013, 09:56 PM
Bump. Prices raised. GIMME ROCK! Fighters want Tungsteel? I need rock!
Azidano Valkran
10-21-2013, 10:18 PM
5g per stack of granum? Woah! Why has the price gone up significantly? It was 3g per stack before, right?
Casilda Tametomo
10-22-2013, 03:02 AM
Down to 3g / stack from 4, from 5, and from 6, averaging five, at which it was for a long time.
It's good to know some economy somewhere might be improving, even if it's just in MO.
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