View Full Version : Hello.

Naked Snake
08-26-2013, 01:48 AM
I am very interested in joining you guys.

I read the post on the official forums and found out that y'all are a small clan. That's exactly what I want. I was in Imperium for two weeks and there was just so many people I didn't know who to talk to or anything and it was kind of bullshit.

But anyways, please check out my app or whisper me in-game. (Naked Snake)


Azzerhoden Razeri
08-27-2013, 12:05 AM
Greetings Naked,

You have been accepted as a trial member, and given access to the Darkfall section of this site, along with that of the members section.
Please apply in game, and we will accept you in the Darkfall clan.


Varrick ChaosWielder
08-28-2013, 10:17 PM
Welcome aboard!