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View Full Version : May I introduce myself, noble comrades?

Thoril Kossal
07-07-2013, 07:38 PM
Greetings Wessex Citizens,

I came from a far far far away land seeking for the truth behind the announcements carried by the wind. The glorious and virtuous Standart of Wessex has appeared in front of my eyes like a yellow sun rising over the horizon. The truth has stabilished; the greatness of the duchy do exists.

Thus, in this day forth, i put my sword, heart, art and services at the disposal of this duchy. I humble put myself, a foreign by birth but a fellow in principles, submitted to the trial process and rules, hoping one day become worthful enough to be introduced to the duke himself and to take the everlasting oath.

A mark on my destiny has began. A new life. A new journey. Hail everyone.

Kora Havion
07-08-2013, 02:03 AM
Hail and well met good friend!