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Thyrael Thorvald
05-07-2013, 08:00 PM
Greetings Mortal brothers,
My name is Thyrael Thorval, I come before you to present my self and offer you my services to your community.

Let me tell you my little story first.

I was born in the northern region of Nave, just between Tindrem and Fabernum. When I was young, I was working the lands with my father, who had a nice little farm where we cultivated Rye and Corn to supply our neighbourhood. I remember the good old days when we use to travel safely between cities and the trading was flourishing. But times have changed...

When I got older, I left the countryside and my familly to live in the big city of TIndrem. At the beginning, I was feeling very fortunate just to be living in such a big and beautiful city and wanted to become a city guard and member of the great Tindremic Empire.

But as the time passed, I was witnessing some atrocities within the city walls and felt helpless as the city guards did nothing to help some of the most vulnerable people in the city, the traders and merchants. Hard working men and women, robbed, picked clean and killed by ruthless thieves and murderers. I started to doubt about the rightfulness of the Empire and started to take some matters into my own hands. I've made some friends within the city but most where just looking for opportunities to scheme and take advantage for the weak.

So I was mostly left alone and had no real influence to make things change. I only had one real friend, with who I exchanged alot of knowlegde and equipement. That kept me alive and running for some time and I will never forget what my good friend did for me. But now he left the city for new adventures and has joined a group of mens who claims to rules the Meduli region where things sounded applealing for him, and now, I have very little news for him.

I was getting bored and hopeless in Tindrem and I decided to go back to see my familly and seek new inspirations as I felt desperate for something new in my life. As I left the city through the main gate, a city guard advised me to be careful because the roads were not safe anymore and it was at my own risk to travel just by my self. So I took a safe path that I remember from my childhood and made it back to my little paradise where I grew up. Once I got there, I had the shock of my life, all the people I knew was gone, houses were burnt and people were savagely killed and looted.

As I trot on my horse looking at that sad scenery, I see an old man in rags, begging for help. He was one of my father's friend a long time ago and used to be a wealthy and honorable man. But now, all he has left was a half destroyed house and no familly as they were killed in a raid on the village. So I questioned him about the events that made my hometown like this and about what happened to my familly who were living here for decades. All he knew was that a group of mercenaries came from the north east and raided the village in the name of the "Guttersnipes" and drove almost everyone out of the region. Not long after that, they started to established themselves on far from here by buildings their own houses and settlements. He told me that my father had information about this immenent threat and was not allowed to tell everyone as this information was classified by the local militia. So he and his wife left the region with all he could bring with him and when south on a uncertain journey. The day he left was the last day he ever heard about my father.

This day changed my life forever and those images of my village destroyed will haunt me for a long time. My soul will be filled with sorrow and distress until I found what happen to my familly and bring justice to the people who did this to my little place of paradise.

After seeing this tragedy, I came back to Tindrem and spent the night thinking of where my father could be. I had a felling that he was still alive. My father was a very resourceful man and if someone could survive an adapt to this, it's him. So after a sleepless night, I took a decision as the sun was rising on the Tindrem slums. I will explore the land of Nave until I find my father or at least what happen to him.

The first place I went is Meduli. From the news I had of my old friend, this could be the news promised land as no one is controling the area and where everything is still up from grabs. But when I got there, all I felt is disillusion... This was actually the land of the unknown and the uncertain. You never know what's gonna happen in this place as no one is there to make the rules. This open city is more like a free for all as the city has no walls
and where everyone can go in and out without any control. There's some guards around but are what they are, tools of the Empire. You can commit any crime and can pull it out easily by disapearing into the many twist and turns that this city forms. This is where I realise that Tindrem was not so bad after all and is probably the safest place in Nave.

But with all the action going on in Meduli, I was able to see alot of people and hear alot of stories. The one that I remember the most, and this happened not too long ago, is about that stange man who self proclaimed himself "Mayor of Meduli". I took time to look what this man was doing and got to the conclusion that, in the first place, I was there just for him self, and all the "good" he was spreading was, in the background, ways to boost
is own selfishness. I was hoping that, one day, someone would step up and kick this fool out of this land.

This day came when a group of guilds from the south got fed up of his lies and decided to put an end to this madness. They've destroyed all assets all sent a clear message that no one can own Meduli by his own. But that action stirred up what was already brewing up in the region and ended up becoming a full scale war.

Unfortunately the one who suffered the most from this conflit was the community of the Duchy of Wessex. I didn't know much from them before that incident but from all the whispers I heard, the Duchy of Wessex is been there for a long time and had all the rights and the reasons to act like they did. At least, that's what I think. There keep got destroyed as they were outnumbered by enemies from all around the world. That twisted alliance was clearly in a conspiracy to act against all resistance to the "Mayor". This is were we saw the true colors of those guilds and what they stands for.

So after the war, the "Mayor of Meduli" took refuge in an armed group called the Shadow Squad where he would find protection. He didn't have the choice as all his assets were gone and that group took his side at the beginning of the war. So now, he's still proclaiming that title but cannot claim his independance. And that in it self is a victory for the people who want Meduli to be free.

This is where I decided to make contact with the representant of Wessex, Rhodri Taliesin, by sending him a message through an independant messanger. I was offering him my help to rebuild his community and my blade to avenge his people from the oppresion of evil. I got a response really fast and got invited to talk with some of the people and found those mens real gentlemens. I offred them my help right away and left with Zirus to Moh'ki, on a mission to escort a friend who needed protection, Korah.

Like the destiny was after me, on that first trip, we came face to face with the enemy: the leader of the Shadow Squad, SirSancho! As we were unprepared and suprised, we took a seroius defeat, but our main goal was acheived, Korah got away and was unharmed. I took that defeat has a motivation and was in no regrets about my choices. When I spoke to Korah later on, I promised him that one day, I would deliver him SirSancho's head has a gift for the community, and then and only then, my soul will be at peace.

A couple of days later, I heard the big news, Rhodri steps down and give the command to my new friend Korah! I couldn't be happier, even if I was sad to see Rhodri
retire, after all he gave to this world. So my word still stands and I will do anything possible to help this community and rebuilt it.

From now on I consider my self a member of the Duchy of Wessex and it's up to them to decide my fate as I give all I have to their cause. And everything I do from
now on is in memories of my lost familly and from the bitter taste my broken dreams...

Honorably yours,

Thyrael Thorvald

Varrick ChaosWielder
05-08-2013, 03:25 PM
Good evening Thyrael,
Take a moment, and rest your weary feet. You have indeed had a tumultuous time. Be sure that here you will find a purpouse and brothers and sisters to watch over you. Soldeus always recognizes those that thrive for the greater good. I would advise you to spend time in prayer, and you will find new strength to overcome any and all challenges. Wessex is a great kingdom, and under the protection of Soldeus, will always overcome any challenge. We need warriors like you to join our cause.

Thyrael Thorvald
05-08-2013, 04:23 PM
I come before you as a desperate man seeking for guidance. I probably should read more about that Soldeus of yours as I need something to grip my soul on... I always had the feeling I was born for something greater than myself, to serve a purpose that could change the history of Nave.

I will meditate on your noble words and try to purify my soul of all grudges...

To serve and protect!
