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Tyrillin Hallestrom
05-03-2013, 07:34 PM
Heder og ære mine brødre!

I am Tyrillin, but a fair deal of those that know me call me Tyri. It's a pleasure to be in the company of such up-standing examples of people. I was recruited within the last day's cycle. Preemptively I feel the need to state that english is not my first language and as such some of my grammar may from time to time be incorrect or "otherworldly" and I apologize for my inability to utilize it correctly. In Mortal I currently reside within Meduli usually not venturing far from town being as I am currently training up my skills in order to be able to be a benefit to my Blood-Brothers and Shield-Sisters. I hope that in time we all shall become good friends and compatriots and that I will be able to serve the Duchy with honor and distinction.

Blod og ære til den ærefulle Jarl!
Tyrillin Hallestrom

Altus Whyte
05-07-2013, 03:57 AM
Må din fortsatta väg i Nave tjäna hertigdömet med styrka och ära.

A Norse on the American east coast? Did you by any chance hitch a ride with the happy boatsmen of Valhalla Rising (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0862467/)?