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View Full Version : 4/22 Event: Recap 4/24 Next Event

Audin Cardew
04-23-2013, 03:34 PM
I wanted to thank those who grouped last night. I know we didn't get to PVE for long, I believe we did make some progress. We later went gold farming was able to farm over 4K Gold. We hit the Forest Phrophets and Hobgolbins.

I would like to setup another PVE group tomorrow 4/24 in evening. I hoping we can have strength in numbers while trying to PVE. Even if its over kill at the spawn. I am thinking at least 10-15. This will secure a location and deter small bands to engage. I would like to target the Ogres South East of Sandbrook for this event.

Let me know if you can make it.

-Audin Wessex

PS: Make sure to register on Imperiums Forums and I can add you to the LSV roster

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-23-2013, 08:41 PM
I hope to be there. Nearing completion of a major project though, so time maybe limited (as it was last night).

Spirit Hawk
04-23-2013, 09:03 PM
I will try to be there but I started my 3rd Chemo session so never know if I will be awake or not. Register on the Imperium site. Spirithawk!

Otto Osterwind
04-24-2013, 11:05 AM
I plan to be there, Sir Audin.

Kreager Stonewall
04-24-2013, 08:40 PM
I Will also Lend my sword for this still need to collect 75 more bully heads :)

Varrick ChaosWielder
04-24-2013, 10:45 PM
Hopefully there is room for Clergy in that hunting party Sir Audin!

Reverend Mister Varrick ChaosWielder

Audin Cardew
04-25-2013, 05:31 PM
It was a great night of Bully killing. I think most of us completed the feat but if need be we can return.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-25-2013, 05:37 PM
I have completed the Centaurs now, and will willing serve as Scout and harvester if we make this a team event.

I'll add that I simply loved the numbers we brought. Very impressive showing. :D

Kreager Stonewall
04-25-2013, 06:41 PM
Yeah was a successful event if you ask my opinion, Lets finish off those ogres and get some elementals done!