View Full Version : Grant of Knighthood - Sir Rhodri Taliesin, Knight Bachelor (NOT YET GRANTED)
Manus Dei
04-21-2013, 09:31 PM
Rhodri Taliesin had not performed the traditional vigil - the silent sitting through the night in the Cathedral before the dawn ceremony of knighthood. Instead, he had been packing his bags to leave the Wessex capitol of Wentus-Castrum, on to adventures, honor, glory, and who knows what else - but elsewhere. It was a messenger who had found him at the stables of the inn and summoned him to the Cathedral that morning.
The banners of the duke of Wessex and a small entourage met him at the front doors of the Cathedral, which had not yet been opened. When Mister Rhodri dismounted, Manus, the king and duke, clapped a hand on his shoulder and nodded as if to say, "all things, well done."
Then, he said - aloud - , "Mister Rhodri, I do not know what future adventures summon you, but, if you are willing, and you accept, I might lay the honor of a knightly title on you before you leave. Do you accept?"
Rhodri Taliesin
04-21-2013, 11:38 PM
Rhodri bowed his head, overwhelmed by the honor offered before him and also in shame.
His cloak wrapped about his armor as the winds took hold of it, the swaying of the Duke's banners
filling the air.
He spoke aloud in a deep and somber tone.
"Your Grace, though I would gladly accept this great honor you have offered me, I feel undeserving and marred by the shame of trying to leave here."
"If you and Wessex would still have me, I would like to try and make amends for this sin and bring honor and glory to us all."
Manus Dei
04-22-2013, 02:47 AM
The Duke squinted and nodded in understanding, then glanced his eyes toward the Cathedral as he replied. "Well, we can still do this right, inside the chapel, with the full ceremonies that you were due. No one said you had to leave - just to go through the process of justice... as others who are still among us have done. One would hardly think that the ledger of good you've done for Wessex has been wiped out."
A little drizzle began to mist over the small company and their lightly flapping banners.
"I don't want you to leave thinking you were unappreciated. As a squire who achieved much, knighthood is still available. There is still opportunity here for you. Just make yourself right with Wessex first. Go through the motions, the due process - whatever it takes to rub out this recent blemish.
"You still stand tall here. We'll see you again at these Cathedral doors soon, eh?" The Duke laid a steady hand on the squire's pauldron one last time, then turned to mount and lead the entourage back home, out of the growing rain.
Rhodri Taliesin
04-24-2013, 02:54 AM
Rhodri stood silently with his horse, aptly named Penitence - Something which he aspires to often, and is now offered.
He watched the Duke and his Entourage ride away before the storm could let loose.
The downpour of rain did not take long, the sky opened up, and thunder growled in the distance.
He stood there for what seemed like hours, but were more likely minutes before speaking aloud.
"Well girl, shall we talk a walk to the Courthouse?"
Penitence responded with a snort of what Rhodri would imagine was approval, before taking his first steps
towards the famed Courthouse of Wentus Castrum, where his next set of trials lay in wait.
Rhodri Taliesin
08-05-2013, 05:23 AM
The Esquire steps out of the courthouse, breathing in what feels like fresh air after many months of making statements and waiting, this chapter had finally ended, and before him stood Wessex and all the potential and opportunity that she brought.
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