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Audin Cardew
04-14-2013, 08:38 PM
Unfortunately Kingdom of Bear and Glory (KGB) has insisted on the Duchy of Wessex no longer existing on DarkFall. I for one can not stand for this and will not be forced into such a harsh decision. I am prepared to go it alone in DarkFall until we can make other arrangements. Perhaps finding another another alliance. I would like to hear everyone's feedback on this matter.


Audin Cardew
Knight Bachelor

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-14-2013, 08:46 PM
I agree with going it alone rather than conceding to their childish demands.

Last night I heard several jokes made at KGB's expense, and I hoped that our participation would have had a more favorable impression on OTG. Has something changed from last night?

Audin Cardew
04-14-2013, 08:51 PM
No, nothing has change. I have a meeting in 10 minutes. But from what I have heard KGB isn't budging on their stance. Which leaves the rest of the alliance to choose between a 6-10 man clan and a supposedly "200" member clan. I will post back once I have more information.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-14-2013, 08:53 PM
Let me know if you would like for me to join you.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-14-2013, 09:26 PM
It doesn't seem likely that we are going to be able to pull this off as a independent entity. My previous post did not take into account that in order to hunt mobs for prowess, we are going to have to do so in groups, and we just do not have the numbers.

Not happy - but we are going to be joining the Imperium as a militia, with the intention of continuing to build our ranks and splitting off as a separate entity.

Audin Cardew
04-14-2013, 10:06 PM
It doesn't seem likely that we are going to be able to pull this off as a independent entity. My previous post did not take into account that in order to hunt mobs for prowess, we are going to have to do so in groups, and we just do not have the numbers.

Not happy - but we are going to be joining the Imperium as a militia, with the intention of continuing to build our ranks and splitting off as a separate entity.

I too am not happy about it but it seems like it was our only choice with limited amount of interest from our members.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-14-2013, 10:20 PM
Did SSR join Imperium as a militia? If not - perhaps we can be the same militia. I would like to have our own hamlet near Imperium, and I think we should negotiate it.

Audin Cardew
04-14-2013, 11:15 PM
SSR will not be entering as a Militia as Brando has declared it will not be sanctioned by SSR leadership.

But he did say they were free to join them if they wanted.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-14-2013, 11:18 PM
To add a bit more detail - the reputation of the Duchy from DF1 has preceded us. I have no doubt that if we had more numbers than we would be able to go with our guild tags held high. As it is though it was not just KGB. The Old Timers Guild, Black Sheep, and I believe Seek and Destroy were also concerned.

It was also clear that all the groups wanted us to participate as active members, and do not have a problem with us being the "Wessex Militia". Since Mortal Online contains the largest concentration of members I can easily see those of us in DF as being sent there by His Grace to support our Ally - The Imperium. This seems to be the only viable means of being in Darkfall as the Duchy of Wessex that will allow us the opportunity to grow into a more formidable presence.

This new method of gaining skills in DF has also made it very clear of the gap between players who have a lot of skills and those who do not. Maxing out Int and Str made a very big difference in combat survivability, and I have no doubt that if we work together we will be a small but effective group in DF.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-14-2013, 11:20 PM
SSR will not be entering as a Militia as Brando has declared it will not be sanctioned by SSR leadership.
But he did say they were free to join them if they wanted.

Did Brando say why? And does that preclude them from joining our militia?

LiL Gushy
04-15-2013, 06:32 PM
I'm a bit confused atm, is it only KBG that has a problem with us (and why)? Also what clans in our alliance support us, who else hates us?

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-15-2013, 06:41 PM
It would appear after attending an alliance leadership meeting that many of the existing clans have concerns about the tag 'Duchy of Wessex' putting an early target on the alliances back. Since we do not yet have the numbers to bring into the game, this is a valid concern. We bring risk but no reward.

Our focus then is to recruit new members and become more of a force as a militia within Imperium as well as the alliance as a whole. If we are successful than we can re-evaluate.

LiL Gushy
04-15-2013, 06:52 PM
ah ok, but what did Duchy do in DF1 that made so much hate?

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-15-2013, 07:15 PM
ah ok, but what did Duchy do in DF1 that made so much hate?

Took control of half the map, which set off a world war for control of Agon.

Castiel Calmelat
04-15-2013, 09:42 PM
WTF 48 hrs before launch we find this out. This is unacceptable if my Sword under the Duchy of Wessex tag isn't good enough for them then I won't fight with them. I understand their concern but I don't think it warrants our downgrade or ejection because of a possibility of having enemies in Darkfall. Maybe its pride or misjudgment but last minute bomb like that is not something I wanna get from ALLIES with a shitty ultimatum. Idk I gotta smoke a bowl and let this sink in

04-15-2013, 09:48 PM
Wow this is probably the dumbest thing I've seen out of your so called allies.
Personally I'll bow out graciously of Duchy and whatever crew I have will pester Imperium and its allies.

You bring risk but nothing else? Only thing they have going for themselves is numbers. OTG is just a zerg mess that I'm sure will figure out how to fight someday. KGB the only presence I saw out of them was Uber whining about the elementalist class. Imperium is the only one that seems to bring anything to the table.

The alliance is already off to a bad start and will only get worse as time progresses.

Audin Cardew
04-15-2013, 10:05 PM
The time is not right for us to go it alone in the world of Agon. With the numbers we have it would be very difficult to level our prowess because we will have to be fighting over mob spawns with bigger guilds. I have created a Militia under Imperium called Lumen Solis Victrix. This militia also includes SSR members as both clans are in the same boat when it comes to numbers. LSV was the "parent" clan of the Duchy, SSR, Anvil society, etc. The latin also goes with the Imperium theme so I thought it made sense for both reasons.

While under the Militia we can continue to recruit for the Duchy and at the same time be able to progress our characters. When the time is right we will branch out with The Duchy of Wessex banner and once again establish ourselves as one of the top clans around. I hope everyone can see why I made this decision and come to support it.

If anyone has any concerns or questions please let me know.

Audin Cardew
04-15-2013, 10:09 PM
WTF 48 hrs before launch we find this out. This is unacceptable if my Sword under the Duchy of Wessex tag isn't good enough for them then I won't fight with them. I understand their concern but I don't think it warrants our downgrade or ejection because of a possibility of having enemies in Darkfall. Maybe its pride or misjudgment but last minute bomb like that is not something I wanna get from ALLIES with a shitty ultimatum. Idk I gotta smoke a bowl and let this sink in

Yeah, I was pretty pissed to say the least. Honestly, if we had the numbers to compete for mob spawns early in game I would have just had Wessex go it alone. But as I said. Time isn't right. If we had known this to be an issue from the get go we would have found another alliance to build relations. But unfortunately it didnt work that way.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-15-2013, 10:27 PM
As was I, and said so before. Then I realized that with the current design of skills/prowess/mobs we would not be able to keep up in fights, which would leave us unable to recruit new members.

So this is the route we are going with as the only viable path to follow in game as a clan. No matter though, we will out fight, out produce, out organize and out class the rest of the militias. It is all a matter of fighting/training as a team. Once we demonstrate how critical we are to the success of the alliance then we can go back and re-examine this setup.

Frankly, I am still so pissed about it that I am taking time off tomorrow so that I can be in game and adding value from the start.

LiL Gushy
04-15-2013, 10:29 PM
I think you did make the right decision, at launch it will be hard to fight over a mob spawn with no ally s and fewer clan members then others. I just get a few things about this, if Wessex is in Imperium is there no difference in us being are own clan? What clans specifically have a problem with us? ( as i said before I like Inperium the others I just have not played with or don't care for them.)

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-15-2013, 10:38 PM
Imperium is a good group of folks - this was not their decision - they are providing us with a way to remain as a group. In game we will wear the Imperium clan tag. Imperium is built as a series of militias, with each militia basically running itself as long as they follow the rules of the Imperium as a whole.

As the Duchy of Wessex, we will still communicate here. Although a bad example for us Americans who know a bit about the revolutionary war, we are like the Hessians. We fight under the Imperium banner, wear the uniform of the Imperium, are loyal to the Imperium as long as those duties do not infringe on our loyalty to the His Majesty, but keep our own internal organization and customs. We are basically *on loan* until His Majesty recalls us.

At least that is how I see it.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-15-2013, 10:40 PM
BTW - My first goal is to have more active members then KGB. They stated during the meeting that they are expecting between 20-25 members at launch.

I think beating that is a good first step.

Audin Cardew
04-15-2013, 10:51 PM
I think you did make the right decision, at launch it will be hard to fight over a mob spawn with no ally s and fewer clan members then others. I just get a few things about this, if Wessex is in Imperium is there no difference in us being are own clan? What clans specifically have a problem with us? ( as i said before I like Inperium the others I just have not played with or don't care for them.)

KGB and the Goons (COTC- Clan of the Chillin) were allied in DF1. These two clans(many others) were at war with Hyperion (Duchy's alliance). KGB still holds some ill will towards the name but also they think the name of The Duchy of Wessex is perceived by the DF community as negative and would effect the current alliance in a bad way. I personally don't believe it as bad people think. Though I do admit that some positive PR is needed.

Castiel Calmelat
04-16-2013, 12:36 AM
I understand and support your decision Audin I look forward to the servers going live