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Audin Cardew
04-10-2013, 03:36 PM
Patch Notes April 10th- Combat Patch
As we mentioned in yesterday's update, the goal for today's patch is to make the game more fun to play especially at close range. We will monitor the patch feedback and will make any adjustments necessary. We will continue to scrutinize combat and keep making improvements to it on every level. On with the notes:

Changes to all the roles:

Transfer cost reduced by 10%.This will effectively make it closer to 1:1 (93%) transfer at skill level 1. At max skill and wisdom it will cost 45 in a stat to gain 55 in another stat.
Staff Bolt missile speed increased by 44%


We felt warrior was too dependent on archery to deal damage. Costs were also reduced in order to use skills more often. With the following changes, a warrior is able to keep up more in melee range and also use his melee skills when he needs them.

Vital stats buffs: +15 Stamina, +30 Mana

Stampede (Redesigned as a close-in skill rather than a charge-into one.)

86% less sprint bonus - in order to have more control over his character’s movement
200% more duration
20% less mana cost
50% less stamina cost
33% less cooldown
Less knockback - so his targets do not completely get out of melee range, like before.

Pulverize (Can now use it more often and buffed in respect with maelstrom)

10% more damage
Better blind visual effect
50% less stamina cost
50% less mana cost
33% longer cooldown


50% less mana cost
40% less stamina cost


75% less mana cost
50% faster cooldown
15% less casting time
50% less duration
25% less stamina cost


62% less mana cost
34% less casting time
25% less stamina cost

Stinging Riposte

50% less mana cost
50% less stamina cost

Stoic Defense (This is now more reactional rather than a pre-buff)

73% less mana cost
70% less stamina cost
83% less casting time
29% less duration


36% less stamina cost

Repel (Can now use it more often)

33% faster cooldown
50% more mana cost

Penalty increased for warriors using bows - deemed necessary as his melee damage capacity was buffed significantly:
Increased by 1 radian the randomness of Warrior using a bow. Time to 100% accuracy was left unchanged.


Skirmisher received a reduction in his abilities’ costs, similar to the warrior but to a lesser degree. Also some of his mobility skills were reduced in conjunction to the changes of the Stampede skill.

Vital stats buffs: +15 Health, +30 Mana


54% less duration
20% less mana cost
33% less stamina cost


10% longer cooldown

Heightened Reflexes (More offensive use)

166% more melee speed
66% more range speed
7% less duration
50% less mana cost
42% less stamina cost

Trueshot (More “sniper” like ability)

50% less mana cost
75% less stamina cost
50% more casting time (slower)
30% of magnitude additional stamina damage
50% of magnitude additional mana damage


25% less mana cost
27% less stamina cost


4% more base magnitude

Exploit Weakness (More debuff time to your target)

82% more duration
33% less mana cost
36% less stamina cost


More Cannon, less Glass. Air school (close combat) effectively counters any mobility skill. Also a lot of his spell casting times and costs were reduced to result in a faster gameplay and bigger damage output.

Vital stats buffs: +30 Health, +15 Stamina

Attunement to Air (More reactional cast time but less duration and CD)

10% less Cooldown
50% less Casting Time
23% less Duration
10% less Magnitude
33% less Mana Cost

Lightning Bolt (More damage and easier to use)

14% less casting time
10% more base magnitude
20% less mana cost


1 class smaller AoE (Harder to damage yourself)
20% less casting time
40% less mana cost
12% less base magnitude
40% less mana cost

Static Field (More DPS, more Radius but less duration)

1 class bigger radius - This will make it easier to hit opponents who are closeby
25% more base magnitude
30% more total magnitude - It will hurt to be inside the AoE.
11% less cooldown
47% less duration
25% less mana cost
25% less stamina cost

Dragonbreath (Easier and more often to use)

17% less cooldown
17% less Casting Time
40% less mana cost

Fireball (More DPS, more AoE)

1 class bigger AoE
27% less casting time
10% less mana cost

Magma Bomb (More DPS, easier to use)

35% less casting time
25% less mana cost

Heat Stroke (Easier to use)

13% less casting time
25% less mana cost


Because of the fact that the damage output has increased for the other roles, the Primalist received several boosts, mainly in his overall survivability and his damage dealing capacity.

Vital stats buffs: +15 Health, +15 Stamina, +15 Mana

Invigoration (More uptime, less need to refresh it and a small boost to its effectiveness)

23% more cooldown
66% more duration
10% more regeneration

Resuscitation (A nerf in the cooldown was needed, due to how powerful this spell can be in combat)

206% more cooldown

Wall of Righteous Force (Easier to use in case you need to cover fast)

33% less casting time

Healing Blast (Easier to use)

25% less casting time

Virtuous Wrath (More overall damage and a small knockback for defensive purposes)

50% less casting time
54% more base magnitude
10% Of magnitude will also damage target’s stamina.
10% Of magnitude will also damage target’s mana.
29% Faster Missile speed
33% less mana cost
20% less stamina cost
Added small knockback

Various other changes and fixes:

Added /roll command. By default it rolls a D6 (It can also be used with a custom dice ranging from 2-100. Using /roll 2 will roll a D2)
Fixed a bug where the Map markers’ positions got changed after restarting the client.
Fixed a bug where the safe zones’ map markers disappeared after a switch to full screen.
Fixed a bug where the fog-of-war would not reveal on some tiles
Fixed a bug where the bag that items were salvaged from would remain locked and couldn’t be moved from, or within, the player’s inventory

Thank you for reading, we depend on your feedback - please post in this thread.

Log in. Will be doing duels in Tenaland tonight. Summons are available.

TS: voice.duchyofwessex.org

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-10-2013, 03:53 PM
Patched this morning, will log in tonight. Tempted to just re-roll my character and go mage again, but will probably just switch roles.

Has anyone rolled Primalist? If so, what feedback do you have?

Audin Cardew
04-10-2013, 03:58 PM
I'm a STR primalist. I am interested how the effects of the patch will be. I like it so far. Previously I thought I was still a little too squishy