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View Full Version : Launch date April 16th

Audin Cardew
04-03-2013, 09:14 PM
Tasos has announced the launch date on the beta forums. April 16th.

Couple weeks out. People still have plenty of time to test in that time frame. Players can gain 20k Prowess with a couple days easy if grouped together.

Log in and apply in game.

Audin Cardew
04-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Tasos announces wobble improvement and 50k prowess to test end game.

Aikar Walmoor
04-05-2013, 07:25 AM
Too bad the game has so little content top it with lazy design decisions like shrinked world and no races and the result is an all time low interest for darkfall.

Fargar Red
04-05-2013, 08:46 AM
I try to refrain from posting here, since Darkfall is an "old flame" for me, and my current views are not positive. However, I will duck in to say that my previous guild of die-hards has almost completely lost interest, to a level that surprises even me.


Audin Cardew
04-05-2013, 03:38 PM
Too bad the game has so little content top it with lazy design decisions like shrinked world and no races and the result is an all time low interest for darkfall.

Thanks for your valuable input.... I didn't know you had been beta testing the last 5 months.

Audin Cardew
04-05-2013, 03:48 PM
I try to refrain from posting here, since Darkfall is an "old flame" for me, and my current views are not positive. However, I will duck in to say that my previous guild of die-hards has almost completely lost interest, to a level that surprises even me.


You should try out the game and make your own conclusions. AV has made great improvements since the beginning of Beta and I don't see them stopping.

Audin Cardew
04-05-2013, 03:49 PM
Log into beta, sell 10 wood and gain 50k prowess to test end game

Fargar Red
04-05-2013, 03:55 PM
You should try out the game and make your own conclusions. AV has made great improvements since the beginning of Beta and I don't see them stopping.

I did try DFUW, actually, and it was frankly, not even the least bit to my taste. If it were anything remotely resembling DF1, I'd be there now most likely, since the archery changes in MO have me gouging my own flesh. Admittedly I haven't been back to DFUW in 2 months, but I've been listening to the updates and I get a very different impression than "great improvements". Unfortunately I only have so much time for gaming, and so often need to make decisions based on partial information.

Audin Cardew
04-05-2013, 04:23 PM
I did try DFUW, actually, and it was frankly, not even the least bit to my taste. If it were anything remotely resembling DF1, I'd be there now most likely, since the archery changes in MO have me gouging my own flesh. Admittedly I haven't been back to DFUW in 2 months, but I've been listening to the updates and I get a very different impression than "great improvements". Unfortunately I only have so much time for gaming, and so often need to make decisions based on partial information.

That's unfortunate you haven't had time to test the latest state of the game. The improvements I am referring to would be the performance and games changes based on beta feedback. At the beginning of beta there were a ton of bugs/crashes but now they have cleaned that up and the game is much more enjoyable.

That being said, I suggest giving it another go with the free 50k prowess. Your perception may change.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-06-2013, 04:43 PM
When I get back home I'll login and see if I am committed to playing a warrior.

As for the other comments - I could easily share my thoughts of Mortal Online, yet I don't out of respect for the players in this guild who enjoy it.

As for the negative comments relating to Darkfall on the Darkfall forums, most come from players who no longer can use a huge macro to do all their fighting, and dislike the limitations around their jack-rabbit combat style.

Frankly, in my opinion, the only real shortfall in DFUW is that players are allowed to move and fire missile weapons and spells. However, without that feature DF would be an entirely different game.

Finally, I will just say that by far and away the largest reason players have not been logging into Darkfall is because there was no purpose to logging in. This would be the third (or fourth) time I went about the process of building up a character. The public beta went on far too long, but then they had major issues to fix and have done so.

Castiel Calmelat
04-06-2013, 09:48 PM
I can't wait for more content game is pretty amazing they just need to put more sand in the box. I do love mortal also by far my 2 favorite MMOs

Sionn Mack
04-10-2013, 02:02 AM
Well i havnt been around very much as there was not many people online and nothing we did really mattered but now that the game is finally going live and everything matters ill be there ready to defeat all our enemies, but in reality dying a lot. =P

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-10-2013, 03:54 PM
Well i havnt been around very much as there was not many people online and nothing we did really mattered but now that the game is finally going live and everything matters ill be there ready to defeat all our enemies, but in reality dying a lot. =P

Oh? Should we have a contest to see who dies the most? :D

Sionn Mack
04-11-2013, 02:43 AM
lol that might not be a good idea, we would probably break the game with how many deaths we could get.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-11-2013, 03:27 PM

I am really torn as to which class to play. I had wanted to play a Elementalist, but through all the betas and the constant deaths I became fed up with it, and re-rolled a warrior. I could see myself playing a warrior, but to me the ideal warrior would be as a defensive tank protecting the weaker in the game. However, as soon given the chance I take off running after every red with the intent of slaying them. :D

Audin! I was on last night but was unable to reach you in TS. Then I started working while I waited for you to return and found myself falling asleep so I went to bed early. I'd like some input from you on how I should spend my 50K prowess. :)

Audin Cardew
04-11-2013, 04:31 PM
The Elementalist Static field Ultimate is really really good... Krisha was rocking me in duels last night

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-11-2013, 10:43 PM
But aren't you a STR primalist?

Audin Cardew
04-11-2013, 11:53 PM
Yep, the static field rapes me. Like a hot knife through butter.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-12-2013, 12:32 AM
Well, taking the wife to a movie tonight. I logged in, buffed up INT to max, along with boosters. Purchased the air magic bonus spells as well. Also have an account approved on mumble.

Gonna need robes though. I grabbed what was in the bank. Also noticed a bunch of people in the game as Duchy members. We need to go through the list to figure out who needs to apply here to make it formal. :D

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-15-2013, 10:46 PM
GO LIVE TIME IS 1pm GMT, which is 6am PST.

Be there or be square.

Audin Cardew
04-15-2013, 11:11 PM
Glad its early, plenty of time for them to fix what they break when they launch

Castiel Calmelat
04-16-2013, 12:37 AM
Damn thats early

Apoca Ailen
04-16-2013, 05:28 AM
So since Daneslaw has fallen apart (in terms of playing Darkfall), how do I go about playing with Wessex?

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-16-2013, 05:31 AM
Just roll a character on the NA server and post your name here and we will get the ball rolling.

Sorry to hear that Daneslaw is not going to be successful. :-(

Sionn Mack
04-17-2013, 03:40 AM
So i started downloading the patch at 10 this morning from the patcher since i have no program to convert torrent files, and here it is 10 in the evening and i am barely halfway done. Kinda want me money back now.

Apoca Ailen
04-17-2013, 04:21 AM
12 hours later and I am finally validating. About 3 hours ago I gave up and decided to use the torrent link that Tasos linked in that announcement. Lets hope I can play after this -_-

Casilda Tametomo
04-17-2013, 04:58 AM
Congratulations to all including Aventurine(!) for a reasonably on-time launch.

Enjoy yourselves.

I will be thinking of you while ice-skating*.

* MO "Awakening" joke: because when asked what I would do when that expansion came out, I said I would log out of the game, put on a warm vest and short skirt over black sweater and tights, and go ice-skating... IN HELL.

Zyconnic Wolfe
04-17-2013, 05:24 AM
Do like me. Download when you can but play some other games untill some days after launch.. Don't expect to play right away :P It's AV

Apoca Ailen
04-17-2013, 05:35 AM
I got into the game and made my character, a Mercian named Apoca Ailen. Unfortunately, I was having issues binding to the bindstone for the tutorial quest, so I closed out the game to try to fix it. Whenever I try to get in the game now, I get a PeProtocolError no matter what settings or compatibility I use. So I am going to go ahead and stop trying for tonight and hope tomorrow works out better.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-17-2013, 07:26 PM

From AV:

Multiple accounts / clients not able to log in/patch/play concurrently: We're fixing this as we speak, we'll patch it in as soon as possible.

Various performance complaints by some players: Most has a lot to do with the load on the servers because of the heavy launch traffic, this will improve a lot in the days to come We're also working on collecting data which we'll use in optimizations to further improve performance. For us performance is one of our top priorities, we will never stop working on improving it. Debug mode was only used during beta, and is not activated after launch.

peProtocolError: is an error due to heavy load and should not be a problem in the days to come.

Clan names: spelling uppercase/lowercase. Just a head's up on this: the font we're using doesn't make it easily apparent which case you're using so you need to be careful when you're spelling it.

Persistent err. 900: this is a billing issue, again related to the heavy load, we reported it and we don't expect it to be a problem anymore.

Forum issues with subscriber forums: Looking into it and we'll get it fixed.

Otto Osterwind
04-18-2013, 01:02 AM

From AV:

Multiple accounts / clients not able to log in/patch/play concurrently: We're fixing this as we speak, we'll patch it in as soon as possible.

Various performance complaints by some players: Most has a lot to do with the load on the servers because of the heavy launch traffic, this will improve a lot in the days to come We're also working on collecting data which we'll use in optimizations to further improve performance. For us performance is one of our top priorities, we will never stop working on improving it. Debug mode was only used during beta, and is not activated after launch.

peProtocolError: is an error due to heavy load and should not be a problem in the days to come.

Clan names: spelling uppercase/lowercase. Just a head's up on this: the font we're using doesn't make it easily apparent which case you're using so you need to be careful when you're spelling it.

Persistent err. 900: this is a billing issue, again related to the heavy load, we reported it and we don't expect it to be a problem anymore.

Forum issues with subscriber forums: Looking into it and we'll get it fixed.

I've been spending all day downloading the bloody game at 59 kb/s.

Apoca Ailen
04-18-2013, 01:58 AM
I've been spending all day downloading the bloody game at 59 kb/s.

Do the torrent.

Otto Osterwind
04-18-2013, 03:16 AM
Do the torrent.

A little late now, ahah.

Aikar Walmoor
04-18-2013, 07:55 PM
Best of luck wessex!