View Full Version : Greetings everyone!

03-04-2013, 04:45 PM
Greetings everyone, my name is Researcher, and as my name indicates I am a humble researcher that is looking to study how The Duchy of Wessex interacts as a community, as a part of a research study on how Mortal Online is as much a community as, per say, a local coffee shop or a park. I can't wait to get to know all of you better and see why Wessex is famous for being a great community. As part of the research study, I also need to gather one on one private interviews. If anybody would be interested, feel free to message me and we can set up a time. Everything is anonymous and will follow proper protocols.
And a huge thank you in advance to his Majesty the Duke of Wessex and everybody else who have graciously allowed me to conduct my research through Wessex. I look forward to meeting everybody.