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View Full Version : Introduction Jach Hawk

Jach Hawk
03-01-2013, 08:26 PM
Greetings all,

Real names Jack hence char Jach :D
I have played Mortal on and off since release never getting too far or joining a guild so my treat me as a noob when it comes to the game :p. Now I've decided to give it majority of my gaming time and saw Wessex as a good guild to join hopefully I can stay and play other sandbox games with you guys in the future too! I'm pretty new to the rp but I've always been interested in it so Ill try my best to stay in char and speak appropriately :cool:

My character is Jach Hawk
I am a bastard only knowing my father was a Guard of Tinderemene. I have spent my years within the city walls just getting by living on the streets. Fed up of this life I come looking for a great Lord I can serve and bring honour to my bastard name.

(I was gonna try mage but I have decided to make Jach more of a peasant working to helping with gathering and then build up to some swordplay)