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Nanién Tinuviel
02-22-2013, 05:06 PM
I only recently decided to try out Mortal Online, after a pause from MMORPGs given the total lack of sandbox out there (I quit Darkfall in less than a month from launch... good ideas, bad bad implementation and managing). I come from a quite long RPG experience, from PnP to UO and many other MMOs, although the only ones worthy of my memories to this day, besides UO, are SWG, L2 (Lineage 2) and ATITD.
I decided to come to the Duchy of Wessex to join a community with which to share the game experience, as playing a sandbox alone seems to be quite pointless to me... besides I like to coop, share and build with other fellow players.
I look forward to meet you all... bear in mind I'm italian motherlanguage and I suck at speaking english, but perhaps I'll manage to grasp at least something of what is said on Ventrilo, if I finally get to join the room, but I won't speak much anyways as I'm too near to where the kids sleep.
In case you're wondering yes, I play a female character and I often do it. Not because I like to stare at my own char's bottom (impossible in MO anyways ^^) but because I find it a greater RP challenge. Normally I don't reveal this to my own satisfaction, but in this case since you seem to value voice chat that much (I'm personally not too fond of it, it ruins my immersion)...

see you soon
Filippo aka Nanién Tinuviel

Otto Osterwind
02-26-2013, 08:27 PM
We have two Italians currently in our ranks, actually. Danes and Ruland!