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Phoru DeOrsay
02-19-2013, 11:36 PM
Greetings all, I am Phoru DeOrsay.

Looking forward to improving my swordsmanship and honour with you all! I'm sure I will learn lots whilst with you.

A bit about me..

I took an interest in online rpgs with the start of Ultima Online. I enjoyed the sandbox style. Free pvp, full loot, houses and eventually roleplay. I'd label myself as a pvper in all games I play. I've only roleplayed in UO. It makes pvp even better, with depth. Other games since then haven't felt right for RPing, perhaps because they are theme parks. I've played WoW, Rift, SWTOR, GW2. Nothing has come close to the enjoyment of UO.

I tried the Darkfall trial last year. Heard about MO at the same time but from what I read, it wasn't as good as Darkfall due to bugs etc. Recently I've been finding GW 2 stale. All I do is the pvp (the 'spvp' type) in it but it's a lacking game in those departments I feel. Researched some more about MO, seeing how it's getting along. General consensus online is it's improved. I noticed about the f2p trial and decided to give it a try.

So here I am. Bought a sub after two days!

Otto Osterwind
02-20-2013, 09:10 PM
Good to have you with us Phoru, I expect that you too will be attending drills whenever we hold them. A good tip is to organize yourself as well, perhaps lead minor hunting parties, donate a bit of profit to the guild (this helps us in big ways, no matter how small), do a significant amount of sparring with fellow garrison members (this develops your own skills and you get to know people).