View Full Version : Dismas Eleos reporting.

Dismas Eleos
02-19-2013, 09:38 PM
Hello everyone. I've recently been added to trial subject status for the Duchy of Wessex. To tell everyone a bit about myself, I started Mortal Online in open beta. Soon after I began, I was drawn towards, and ended up joining the guild Prophecy. I fell in love with this world from the very beginning. The emersion it offers can be very intense. In this world, as well as our own, I am a man of grace and mercy. As I said in my application, there are sheep and there are wolves. I am the sheepdog. I hold in high priority defending the defenseless, bringing the evil hearted to justice, and keeping the peace.

I stopped playing Mortal a couple years ago for many reasons. Mainly to let it evolve, sharpen, and go through the changes it needed to in order for it to become a more refined experience. I feel it's now time for me to give it another full try. I've been holding of on re subbing until I found another community to call my home. That being said, I will soon have full accounts back online. I have close to fully trained fighter, archerer, and extractor/refiner. I enjoy fighting, training to better my skills in hand to hand combat as well as the art of archery. When I'm not doing those things, I do enjoy heading out into the wilderness and extracting, taming, or gathering resources for the future. I'm sure it will take me a couple weeks to get back into the swing of things, but it's just like riding a bike, right? :D

My weekday evenings are usually fairly busy as I stay active in my community, busy with work, and upkeep of my home. But, I will be around quite a bit, contributing wherever I can.

I look forward to meeting all of you and contributing to The Duchy of Wessex.

Dismas Eleos

Dismas- Fighter
Knight- Mounted Archerer/ Beastmaster
Dlsmas- Extractor/Refiner

Timezone: GMT -5

Otto Osterwind
02-20-2013, 09:10 PM
Look forward to meeting you too. Make sure to come up onto our teamspeak when you get the chance.