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Vincei Pandolfo
02-19-2013, 12:00 AM
Hello, I am Vincei Pandolfo newly accepted trial member for mortal online! I'm here to say hi and just let you guys know a little about me and what i'm hoping to do in this guild.

I started playing mortal online in beta and have been playing on and off since then. I am recently returning (about 2 weeks into the game now) and this awakening patch is very new to me. My previous times playing mortal online I was a spearman for an anti-pk guild NTR or New Tindrem Republic. I am now back in the game and am loving the new patch and have created one character witch is a miner/extractor. I am currently working on reading a pig iron book so I can start to process pig iron.

What i'm looking for in the guild is basically just a group to play with the game can be rather lonely with no one to play with! I'm also looking for some advice on extraction I've gotten it for the most part but am still a little unsure.

You can reach me in game with the name VincePP I realize that's inappropriate and had no intention of that when i made the name. My frist Character was named VinceP and i'm not very original so i decided to go with my second name VincePP I didn't realize I made this mistake until I was already to far into my extractor.

Signed, Vincei Pandolfo

Benthorad Thornsdale
02-19-2013, 11:09 AM
Hello there Vincei,

As a new trial member myself (i get auto accepted by registering?) I would like to join you on your mining runs with Benelos. Mining naked solo really gets old soon!

How do you compare the current state of the game to beta? I only recently joined but am really impressed by the sheer number of options available to us!

I seek the same virtues in a guild, and hope we can prove ourselves to be worthy assets to The Duchy of Wessex!

Signed, Benthorad

Vincei Pandolfo
02-19-2013, 06:10 PM
Hello and welcome Benthorad! Would love to mine with you sometime! Mining can definitely get old when your by yourself.

Currently the game is much better than beta a lot of bugs have been fixed and the game has been cleaned up a lot. GUI Is a lot more smooth and easier to navigate which is nice. The game has come a long way to say the least and im glad I joined back into mortal online!

Hopefully we'll both be members one day and I'll usually be on TS so you can find me there!

Regards, Vincei

Otto Osterwind
02-20-2013, 09:01 PM
Make sure the both of you come into teamspeak on your mining expeditions! This way you can alert the garrison should you get attacked.

Rhodri Taliesin
02-21-2013, 06:53 PM
Make sure the both of you come into teamspeak on your mining expeditions! This way you can alert the garrison should you get attacked.

I second Sir Osterwind's wise statement here. Also the forums both Wessex and Mortal Online Official Forums are incredible tools to assist you.
But please do feel welcome to sign on to Teamspeak, I shall be more than happy to sort you with appropriate permissions when you sign on.

Valdovas Kadangi
02-25-2013, 02:05 AM
Well met Vincei,

I'm Valdovas, metallurgist traveler new to the Duchy. Having been prospecting in some of the areas i am compelled to offer some the extracted materials that may be of use to you in your production of pig iron. My skills in that ore are meager, however i can produce some parent materials from which you may have the ability to obtain higher yields. I'm currently learning on how to obtain coke, something you will need for Pig Iron, as well as Blood Ore, an ore i am not using but accumulating. I can organize some mail drops for you to pick up in the city centers. Please let me know how i could help.
