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View Full Version : Some minor goals we can work on

Audin Cardew
02-17-2013, 05:18 PM
1. PVP training

2. Establishing some good resource routes that we as a clan will run in a group
a. I would like to concentrate on a single resourse and rotate nightly.
b. By the end of the week we should be able to pump out several sets for each class with the help of our alliance crafters.

3. In game recruitment.

4. Perhaps establish a holding?

5. Perfect Macro system (Unfortunately if you arent macroing in this game you arent going to win many battles)

6. Establish who wants to do which crafts.
a. Once the clan grows we will have secondary crafters. They will be capped out to make a certain lvl of armor so they will only receive a certain percentage of the total resource haul. The primary will be getting most resourses because the higher level items will cost more resourses. It will be nice to have a steady flow of medium gear to farm in (banded/plate). The primary crafter will be mastered and doing the higher lvl (Full Plate/Dread/dragon).

Let me know if anyone has any other ideas of goals we can work on during beta.
8:30-10:30 PM PST = Wessex time. Get on and we will group up even if its just two of us.
