View Full Version : Greetings!

Balbanes Bagamnan
02-17-2013, 04:49 PM
So, I have just applied to your guild (Mortal Online Branch) and would like to introduce myself and say a little about me.
The following is copy/pasted from my LFG thread in the MO forums.

So I have recently returned to mortal from the Beta and a few months after release. I've been back in the game familiarizing myself with it for about 3 weeks now, and am starting to look for a guild.

Here's what I'm looking for:
* A mature guild - I don't need to play with nothing but polite, well spoken adults who only use PG13 rated language, but I don't want to play with immature teenieboppers. I'm not looking to associate with Dewdz.

* Establishment - I'm looking for a guild that is decently established with a solid foundation. It doesn't need to be poised to take over all of Nave, but if your guild was started yesterday with 6 other random players, sorry but I'll have to pass.

* Apprenticeship - I'm looking for crafters that will take me under their wing. I have big plans for crafting which I'll detail further on in the post.

Camaraderie - I'm looking to make some good connections and friends in your guild.

* NO REDS - I don't mind the occasional PK'ing if there's a reason for it, but I absolutely do not condone random murdering reds looking to get their e-peen off by killing as many miners and newbies as humanly possible. I'm no boy scout, but I'm not looking for a griefer guild (I'm fine with PvP and thievery).

Here's what I bring to the table:
* Experience - I've played MMO's since pre-trammel UO. I know the ins-and outs of MMO mechanics and although I'm newly returned to MO, I'm not a noob in any way. Just somewhat of a newbie, for the time being. Once my PvP character is more established, I'll be an asset in any fight.

* Premium account - I'm not on a Free to Play account.

* Maturity - I'm a pretty fun-loving, easy going guy. I am easy to get along with, and enjoy helping other people whenever I can. I'm 32 in RL, am a natural leader (work in management) and all around a decent guy I'd like to think. I am prone to goofiness, sometimes-good-often-corny jokes and antics though http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

* Tradescraft - As I mentioned above, I am already starting to put a heavy focus on crafting in MO. Right now I'm actively building a Weaponsmith character, a Miner/Refiner and have set up a 2nd, F2P (until I'm done reading all the lore/skill books) account in which I have a fledgling Armorcrafter, Butcher/Logger and plans for an Architect. I plan on being extremely versatile in my crafting, and once I'm more developed can provide a great service to your guild.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to adventuring with you!