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View Full Version : My warmest greetings...

Kavu Calmelat
01-29-2013, 01:45 AM
Hello, my name is Zirus. I have no last name quite yet, for my blood right is not even worthy of mention, and my circumstances of existence are hazed in a mist of confusion in their own right. Although I dubbed myself Soulseeker for a surname in Mortal Online, the truth of the matter, was that was an utter fabrication to pass over the border into the land of Nave. A lie I convinced myself was true. My only path to self redemption is through an honorable crusade of helpful assistance to all of you. I apologize if I only make things worse from time to time. I'm a well intentioned outcast. From what i've seen of Wessex, i'd be proud to be among you if you'll have me. You're good people, to the last man or woman. I'm honored to be allowed the pleasure of posting on your forums. *kneels*