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Verlank Barvir
01-21-2013, 03:34 AM
Hail, members of the Duchy. I am new to the game Mortal Online, and I noticed the nation after a turn-around with one of your members, Otto. I believe this group will be a good fit, and I hope to bring great friendship and leadership!

A little about me: I like these sorts of medieval "fantasy" games, along with more modern ones like Battlefield 3 and such. I always enjoy a great laugh, but some people don't know the limit. If I'm in a really bad mood one day, you might get an earful for cracking a joke at me. Still, I always try to be jolly, and avoid verbal fights.

Play-style: It really depends. Some days, I want to be a scout, looming about the countryside hunting down foes. Other days, I want to be a warrior, with a greatsword in my hand, good, heavy armor on my back, and a sturdy horse under my feet. I am not one for mages, however.

Conclusion: So, you have learned a little bit about me, but no man (Or woman, for other peoples' cases) can be described in a post! I hope to see you all in the rolling hills and endless plains of Nave!

Hail to the Duchy,

Verlank Barvir