View Full Version : Greetings!!

Sionn Mack
01-12-2013, 01:01 AM
Good day everyone, my name is Michael Mack, I ended up finding this place on the DF 2 website and i am hoping you join you all. I will be the first to admit that i am not very good at roleplaying, but i wanted to join this clan because i love the feudal system that you have. My goal is to become a knight and bring honor not only to my but to my clan mates. I believe in loyalty and honesty which is probably why i would make a poor politician. So i tend to try and stay out of politics in general. If accepted i do wish to join the soldier side of things aswell.

I look forward to meeting all of you and hope to create some incredible stories in Darkfall Unholywars.

P.S. Please forgive the forum name i have chosen, i am not in the beta so i have not chosen a name yet, so i just used my generic name for all of my other games. If requested i will be fully willing to change it.