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Ibenhard Gunnblindi
01-07-2013, 03:14 PM
531 As it came the warrior known as Ibenhard Gunnblindi, was stuck in a small shanty. His shield and axe his only remaining possessions and his life near the end of it's line. This shanty was near the border where the three lands met as one. The desert claimed it yet directly to the south was the jungle and the East was thick Forests.

He was ready to accept fate although a bit broken. Unable to accomplish the life's true goal of dieing a Warrior as he was unable to move anymore. Lack of food and proper water as well as a few injuries from some scared little horse riders launching arrows. They would have met their end but alas the Halfbreed Khuurite Was short of a bow himself. They had long since gone as he had taken cover in this abandoned shack. Luck was not on his side as a large local group of Magnetons had come attracted by the scent of blood and trapped him within the burned out building.

As he laid here awaiting fate's end fate had it that another man would show up. The violent Berserker knew nothing of the ways outside his clan which now he was the only surviving member of. This man was one of a different breed of honor. Rhodri Taliesen, a man who was not injured and on the brink of death. This man bound by his own sense of honor brought the inured man to a desert city. It was shortly hereafter Ibenhard Gunnblindi swore his services to the man. He would fight to reclaim the clan under the flag of Wessex.