View Full Version : Attention to all; Mastadon Stonewall has arived

Kreager Stonewall
01-06-2013, 09:31 PM
Hail to all:

For I am, Mastadon Stonewall, adventurer and warrior of Mortal Online. First I would Like to Thank Esquire Rhodri for introducing me to the Duchy of Wessex. I hope in the coming month I get to learn much from him and the rest of you.
I am eager and excited to grow and learn with all of the valuable members of the Duchy. To start the sharing please let me share a bit about myself.

I, Mastadon Stonewall, have grown up here in Massachusettes, Usa. I have traveled all over North America but have yet to travel to any other continents. I'm Currently In College working to master the studies of Physics. I've Trained with swords ever since I was 13; now I stand up for the weak around me.

I, Mastadon Stonewall, hope to hear from you all. Please ask of me what you will as I'm here to serve and interact with everyone.

Till we speak again
Stay safe
Stay blessed
Mastadon Stonewall